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The unlucky 7


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Out again on to one of my golf course permissions as the head green keeper had phoned monday saying that course was having a few damaged greens and could I deal with theses as a matter of urgency. So once I finished work at 2am I headed over to the golf course. Set up my rifle with nite site. Checked zero and back into motor, I hadn't even turned onto the service road when I seen two rabbits sitting sheltering from the wind under some bushes. Got in position cross hair put on the first rabbit squeeze the trigger pellet hit with a solid thud rabbit jumped to the left, dead before it hit the ground. Second rabbit didnt know what happened and ran towards me, once it stopped I sent a pellet towards it striking it just behind the eye, had a scan to see if any more were about nope so got out and picked the two up :) always good to get a rabbit or two early so You know that your not going home empty handed.


I drove over to the problem area and got my new buffalo river ahooting mat/gun slip and got all set up. Took 4 in about 50mins picked them up and headed to the last area where I see rabbits grazing. This is where I managed to finally take out the black rabbit I had missed a chance at due to me pressing the horn of the motor while trying to get in a shooting position. 35 yard head shot. Managed to films the nights shooting so will gwt a video up asap.


Thanks for reading







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