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Reaching out to the Fallow….

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When a text came through last week asking if we could fill two spaces for Friday and Saturday then a plan had to be made, my friend had only just picked up his Heym 21 6.5x55 the week before and no chance to fine tune for the shooting we would be up against, with a break in the weather (wind) he came to mine and worked on getting comfortable on the longer ranges which I had a good idea these Fallow would be.

The choice was leave at silly o’clock or travel the night before and good deal on accommodation made the decision.

When we arrived a Belgium TV crew were doing their last mornings filming and one guy was dragging his heals, so after waiting for 10 mins in the truck watching the night turn into day and him fiddling around I asked his friend what was the guys name and Flemish for quickly…!! That part sorted we were dropped off at our spots to wait….

As this is mainly high seat shooting lady luck has to be asked nicely and with a good head of Fallow in the area you should see something, however they are not on bits of string so I have found you must be switched on.

Having shot this land back in November I did notice this time the deer were not hanging around on the rides for very long and when one came through then the group would follow quickly.


I pinged some marks with my range finder to suit how my gun is set up and adapted the towers seat as a bench to shoot off. As predicted one deer came out to cross followed by 3 more, the forth one decided to have a little browse and looked up to my call….She wobbled and made around 15 yards falling over stone dead.

There was a long wait for any other movement when two youngsters came through the cover out around 100 yards; I let them pass as they were too small and having made it through this harsh weather deserved a chance of at least one summer.



On a ride to my left one Fallow hopped over so I got ready as I was sure more would follow….on queue a second stepped over and stopped to nibble its last meal.

It took a few steps and went straight over so I re-loaded as a second deer came in to the ride; it stopped looking at the first when off went the round dropping her on the spot.

With the morning’s pick up due in 15 mins I bagged up all my kit and walked up to the pair checked them over to drag them out and save a bit of time…


007_zpsf9162227.jpg010_zps37b218a4.jpgThe same morning my friend took a large doe with his new rifle so he came back smiling….


A friend and his mate turned up for the afternoon session, he managed two Fallow with us three drawing a blank.

Saturday morning was very cold but dry, 20 Fallow run past the truck lifting every ones hopes for a chance of a shot, however only one came back to the larder…

Time went so fast that last afternoon a strong wind swung around on my back so I was given a chance to move for the 4 remaining hours, where I went was the opposite end of a ride where my friend shot his deer that morning…3 Fallow crossed around 400 yards from my seat so I stalked down to a fallen tree in the ride and waited….


A black doe sprang out of the cover and onto the ride giving me one last chance of a shot, she stood for 3 seconds before I pulled the trigger…a large thump she rocked on three legs and then leapt over the ditch and gone!!

I found a blood trail and then boot prints; my deer had run the same path my friend’s deer had shot this morning!! What to do? I knew this deer would be down as the reaction to the shot was good, so after half an hour of pushing my way through thick cover there laid the back legs of the doe who had dived into a heap of bracken I had passed twice!!

I had called the guy and told him one had run so he said he would help come look, he arrived to help me get her over the ditch.


There were 3 deer shot that afternoon with my shooting partner taking 2 more and the other lad getting his first deer so he was grinning from ear to ear…




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