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Electronic Cigarette & E LIQUID "SHISHA JUICE"


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That's a nonsense analogy, every smoker in the country couldn't do that.

You would be surprised my friend just ask in your local pub or work friends and someone will tell you who can get cheap fags oh and just in case you was thinking I do not live in the city I live in a country town in wiltshire so If I could get them I think most people could.


I have always liked the look of pipes but never tried one some of the tobacco smells nice I quite fancy one of these .



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You would be surprised my friend just ask in your local pub or work friends and someone will tell you who can get cheap fags.


I have always liked the look of pipes but never tried one some of the tobacco smells nice I quite fancy one of these .




I have no interest in 'cheap fags', I was originally stating that the pressures of smoking related diseases do indeed have an impact on the NHS, but smokers find an excuse not to believe it.


I still stand by what I'm trying to say, every smoker could not stop buying legitimate tobacco products, it just couldn't work, thats why illicit drugs will never be legalised, because they cannot be de-legalised.

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Hello .

Well this is going to be a bit HONEST of a post here so please do not be to prejudice here if possible .

I am a smoker ! I have been since around the 15 year old mark and now I am nearing my 50th birthday.

I am about to blow on a bit sorry in advance but this is a quite an important issue here.


OK my situation ! I smoke roll ups

Normally Turner or Golden Virginia Tobacco and to be honest I love it.

I do not go out drinking in the pubs and never have for the last 20 odd year really.

So all I have is my bit smoking ( That I do not condemn in any way shape or form )


Some of the lads on our shoot have came up with the idea of using the vaporiser e cig !

They are doing well and say they are handling it better than they thought.

ME on the other hand is one of them old ***** !

I say "I like smoking, I do nothing else to harm my life, I never go out drinking ( so I deserve it )"


I am not thinking of this to become a reformed smoker but

Whats your opinion on these Electronic Cigarette's not the old type that look like a civvy ciggy

I have them and they are poop.

I mean the modern stuff ! Search flee bay for E SHISHA you will see what they are using.

They are a vaporiser that simply has a battery and a fluid reservoir.


If I was to say give up and try are these OK in your experience lads and lasses ?

I maybe would try but what kills me is I gave up naturally about 18 years ago for 3 years and started again !


Will the e ciggy things help any better ?


Thanks Steve

There's no shock in stopping smoking filthy, stinking cigarettes--especially roll ups--and using a vape. I stopped roil ups instantly--within the space of an afternoon--using a vape. I wouldn't smoke a fag if you paid me now. It's cheaper, too. And there are no plus points to tobacco. Go for it!

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I did the old fashioned way , went into work on a Monday morning and gave my fags to a work mate and just went cold turkey. I read a book at tea , lunch breaks when I would of smokes at work and kept busily at home. After two weeks I had no cravings. Six years on this month I'm a happy none smoker. I hate the smell of smokers and hate it even more when the smoke around me.

So glad I gave up. It's not even that hard if you really want to stop.

Sorry if I'm one of them ex smokers going on but hey that's how I roll ( no pun intended lol )

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I am quite ambivalent about smokers. I'm just glad I'm not one.


I also know that if I get the urge to smoke, I'll have a vape instead, so there's a new "break" to returning to smoking.


I genuinely don't know why vaping gear isn't in the NHS quit smoking cupboard. Whatever you make of it, it's better for you than smoking.

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I was a pipe cigar and rollie smoker. Decided over two years ago to try vaping bought a kit from a shop in Bridlington the guy spent over an hour with me talking about what I smoked then testing some of the fluids.I have never wanted any baccy products since just cannot believe how much better vaping is for ones health. I now make most of my fluid and find it much better than some shop bought fluid that is on the market. One bit of advice though when you start vaping do not drag on the device like an ordinary ciggie take it slowly and you will feel the benefit of it if you drag hard like a proper fag you will burn the coils out much faster and get a bitter taste Good luck in Vaping



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I have no interest in 'cheap fags', I was originally stating that the pressures of smoking related diseases do indeed have an impact on the NHS, but smokers find an excuse not to believe it.


I still stand by what I'm trying to say, every smoker could not stop buying legitimate tobacco products, it just couldn't work, thats why illicit drugs will never be legalised, because they cannot be de-legalised.

You said this ( That's a nonsense analogy, every smoker in the country couldn't do that ) not me all that I was saying was if you want to get cheep sigs they are not that hard to get hold of as for legalising some drugs they have done it in other countries parts of the US but like everything elce we british are different it seems that we cannot be trusted.

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Any one got a recipe to make the e liquid ?

And a precise how to please


They reckon the home made fluid is a lot better than the mass produced type.


Was hoping to get tobacco flavor




I make my own, there are calculators online so you can use to get the mix right, most e juice is 70% pg and 30% vg http://www.e-liquid-recipes.com/create flavour is something you need to mess around with, 10-15% is my normal flavour and make sure you enter the correct nicotine strength I use 54mg strength but mix for 6-8 mg

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I make my own, there are calculators online so you can use to get the mix right, most e juice is 70% pg and 30% vg http://www.e-liquid-recipes.com/create flavour is something you need to mess around with, 10-15% is my normal flavour and make sure you enter the correct nicotine strength I use 54mg strength but mix for 6-8 mg

Cheers mate !

I have just looked at the online calculators. I can not work out if it will be cheaper making my own or simply buy it in.

I have ordered some for now. £8.95 delivered for 3x 10ml and £1.69 for 10ml from another seller with free delivery.

Depending on how long the average 10ml bottle lasts I will see if its worth buying the ingredients.

Thanks again

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No problem, pg & vg are cheap £3.99 for 100ml, flavour I just bought £5.29 for 50ml its only the nicotine thats a lump http://www.vapeescape.co.uk/Mixology/Liquids--Flavourings/VAPE-54-PG/VG-100ml.html?cPath=5_31 I use this £19.99 for 100ml but I can make 33 x 30ml out of a bottle.


Roughly it costs me £2.14 to make 30ml


the above site you can use code ECR69 to get 10% off any order


I work from home and vape all day, and I don't even notice what I spend on vaping its so little compared to when I was smoking roll ups


My next project is rebuilding attomisers, I use Kanger T3s with clearomiser

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