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cant get on with my semi auto shotgun


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thats the thing.. i do love it, its a lovely gun.. trouble is ive probably put 1500 carts through it, half of them since changing the stock shim and there is a marked difference between before and after the swap i just dont seem to be improving beyond that... no where close to my over/under. id stick to the over under but i have the semi as its a better fowling gun.. tkae s3 1/2 carts and is synthetic not wood

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nope, i can see out of my left eye.. cant out of my right, or at least VERY poor eye sight from my right eye, bad enough that i can no longer wear contacts as they dont make the mstrong enough... thats why i shoot left handed when im actually right handed and have done for thirty years

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nope, to be honest i shoot right eye closed, try as i might i cant shoot both open... thats not with the benelli its with all my guns, i have found every time i shoot both open i go to pot.. my shooting partners exactly the same he has tried over the years and cant keep both open

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thanks for all the help guys, i really would be lost withought the advice ive had on this forum since i joined but after a LOT of thought i am going to get this one sold and move on.. maybe the right choice maynot be... time will tell on that one.

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I still think you are jumping the gun , most autos can be altered easily enough via the supplied shims and if needed comb raisers .


To sell it without patterning it is daft , you cannot possibly shoot any gun to its best unless you know exactly where it is shooting.


I think you have brainwashed yourself into thinking you cannot shoot the gun when in reality it sounds like the fit just needs a minor tweak.

Edited by fenboy
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you could very well be right with the brainwashing comment... its got to me a bit recently and saturday wound me right up.


it has been patterned before the shim change and will be saturday if i still have it whioch i would have thought i will...

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I know it can be frustrating , but sometimes you can do more harm chopping and changing and if you need a auto for fowling i cannot think of another decent left hander.


I would pattern it then alter to suit and see how it goes on a few rounds of clays

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nice way of putting it fenboy :lol:


underdog, is tempting... my mate got rid of his mint 10g browning gold a few weeks ago, was a right hander but i could use it fine and was tempted.. but i want a 12g so its an all rounder and cheaper to feed. as it happens my mates after an 8g and since seeing my 28g front stuffer REALLY wants one of those, was a cracker online a month ago for £200 but it sold before we got to it


us left handed shooters are limited thats for sure, yesterday while thinking should i get rid or not i was in touch with sportsmans gun centre about a left handed beretta a400 extreme, they said they are being released in june or they think are so i contacted importers gmk to double check who said yes its true but autumn at least and they dont know if tits the extreme version or standard versions so thats out of the picture. i really want to stay with as true left hander but know loads use right handers without a problem so if all else fails ill get a right handed a400

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us left handed shooters are limited thats for sure, yesterday while thinking should i get rid or not i was in touch with sportsmans gun centre about a left handed beretta a400 extreme, they said they are being released in june or they think are so i contacted importers gmk to double check who said yes its true but autumn at least and they dont know if tits the extreme version or standard versions so thats out of the picture. i really want to stay with as true left hander but know loads use right handers without a problem so if all else fails ill get a right handed a400

This is very interesting :) do you have any more info?? I've always wanted a beretta but always been put off as they don't do a left handed version.

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i spoke to sportsmans in newport who said they had heard that they where releasing an a400 extreme in left hand in june, or they thought it was june they wernt 100% so i contacted importers gmk who said theres no left at the moment (which we already know) but they have heard from baretta that they are releasing one but details where sketchy, they had no firm dates but expected it to be late autumn also they are not sure what model or models of a400 will be released so dont even know if were getting an extreme


i thought they did but wasnt sure so also checked if the right handed come with cast altering shims which they confirmed.. so im not waiting, well i cant as i need a new 3 1/2 inch gun well before late autumn to get used to it before fowling season kicks in, so im ordering a right handed one in about twenty minutes.. i can live with the carts blowing infront of me... im sure half the time i have both eyes closed anyway :)

Edited by kiffy
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i spoke to sportsmans in newport who said they had heard that they where releasing an a400 extreme in left hand in june, or they thought it was june they wernt 100% so i contacted importers gmk who said theres no left at the moment (which we already know) but they have heard from baretta that they are releasing one but details where sketchy, they had no firm dates but expected it to be late autumn also they are not sure what model or models of a400 will be released so dont even know if were getting an extreme


i thought they did but wasnt sure so also checked if the right handed come with cast altering shims which they confirmed.. so im not waiting, well i cant as i need a new 3 1/2 inch gun well before late autumn to get used to it before fowling season kicks in, so im ordering a right handed one in about twenty minutes.. i can live with the carts blowing infront of me... im sure half the time i have both eyes closed anyway :)

What do you mean, 'half the time'? :lol:

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hey! saying that.. they way i shoot my benelli i think you may be right.. i missed so many easy shots last week, i grabbed my mates right handed trap over/under and bang.. dropped a bird tha twas a fair way of with a clean shot


had a good deal from keens in aberkenfig,.. an rrp of £2100 and sportsmans and south & west are £1794 and keens did one for £1660

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My Black Eagle came with three shims - A,B.C.

For the American market they come with - B,C,D.

Don't know why they do this, maybe they reckon those good ole rednecks are bigger than us.

Anyway, my gunsmith got hold of a D shim for me and I shoot very much better with it.

I was obviously lifting my head at the shoot point because I was drilling straight head on over my head shots but missing crossers.

I was on the point of selling the gun but the new shim did the trick.

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There are going to be a lot of happy lefties if Beretta are going to start doing left hand autos :yes:

Yes I agree, I'm ones of them if they do :) I dot think they would make all models left handed, personally I hope it's the a400 light model :)


I will start saving the pennies :)

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My Black Eagle came with three shims - A,B.C.

For the American market they come with - B,C,D.

Don't know why they do this, maybe they reckon those good ole rednecks are bigger than us.

Anyway, my gunsmith got hold of a D shim for me and I shoot very much better with it.

I was obviously lifting my head at the shoot point because I was drilling straight head on over my head shots but missing crossers.

I was on the point of selling the gun but the new shim did the trick.

That is what I do. I prefer a gun that mounts a little low as in the field I tend to lift my head. It is a fair point how ever some of my guns still shoot ok with what seems like a high fit!



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