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A good start on the bucks


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Well I decided to have a look out on the first day of the bucks to try my luck. The first bit of ground to try was a small wood which is very hard to stalk as its so dense but set of nonetheless, stalked very slowly through the wood, glassing as I went but seen nothing in all the usual hotspots. Decided to check one last little bit before I left, a small clearing in the wood. As I got there, glassed through the trees and spotted a young 6 point buck in velvet, head down, feeding with the doe alongside. Got up on sticks and waited for the deer to move broadside then dropped it on the spot at about 50 yards.




After gralloching and loading the deer into the truck I then headed off to a second piece of ground to check for any signs of a buck present there. After walking round the farm for about 15-20 minutes, I walked through a gateway that had fresh slots in the mud. Slowly stalked into the field and just caught a glimpse of a deer on the top of the hill feeding. I froze on the spot and checked through my binos to see a nice clean 6 point buck happily feeding, but there was no shot to be had as it was skylined. As I froze watching it a doe appeared, sighted me and took off barking, which then alerted the buck, which then ran round the field in circles barking and stopping to try and wind me. After a couple of minutes he ran out the field through a gap to which I followed the direction he took off in. As I got to the gap I checked the next field to where the buck and doe were just head down feeding again, lifted the rifle onto my sticks and waited for a shot to arise. After about 3 or 4 minutes, the buck walked forward broadside and I dropped him on the spot at 100 yards. All in all a cracking start for me to the buck season and a memorable evening stalk.





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