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Beretta ???


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Looking to get my first gun, & thought I'd go for a second hand beretta!

But after trawling through the adds I am confused as to which one! 686,687.silver pigeon 1 2 or3 s e gold sporting, game?????? Very confused So was wondering without asking someone to explain could anybody point me to a link or website that maybe explains

I've looked on the net but can only seem to find individual reviews


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Your confusion is completely understandable...


For at least 13 years all 686/687/682 models have used exactly the same action. Some 682s from the early 90s had a wider, heavier frame. These models are treasured for their handling by afficianados and the concept was re-introduced for the SV10 range and now for the 692.


Apart from cosmetics, the 68X family used at least 3 types of barrel configuration: Mobil barrels are fitted to field models and most 686s, Optimas with solid side rib are used on 687 sporting models and more recently on the SP1 and 686E EVO, whereas Optimas with vented side rib are fitted to Gold E and Diamond Pigeon sporters.


SV10 Prevails, A400s and 692s use Optima HP barrels which are very similar to the Gold E type but have longer cones and different choke threading.


Optima barrels are lighter than Mobil because they're built using a type of forging which allows for thinner walls. Beretta now calls this process "Steelium", a name which first appeared when the SV10s came out, but which in reality has been around for years.


The similarities between all the models are much greater than the differences. In particular the dimensions of unmodded guns don't vary and they are all reliable and durable. Price differences are purely a matter of cosmetics and trim - not mechanical integrity or performance.


Edit: The SV10/692 guns have a few other differences from the 68X family but the overall mechanical design is broadly similar.

Edited by Westward
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