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Anyone with a Beretta A400 Xtreme (black)?


What's the best way to keep it clean and black on the outside? The black Synthetic seems easy, but what about the rubberised parts? How do you keep them black? I don't want these turning grey by using something I shouldn't.

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gosh and I just hit my synthetic auto stock with a soapy sponge to remove the mud and salt

Kent, not sure which soap you are using. But if it is something like fairy, then it contains a high amount of salts. I wouldn't dream of using it on my car as it will promote rust. So on that basis wouldn't put it anywhere near my gun.


Car shampoos are much better and generally avoid adding salt to them

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Baby oil and a semi :yes: they go hand in hand :lol: BB

imac is real bad though, take care in the medicine cabinet!

Kent, not sure which soap you are using. But if it is something like fairy, then it contains a high amount of salts. I wouldn't dream of using it on my car as it will promote rust. So on that basis wouldn't put it anywhere near my gun.


Car shampoos are much better and generally avoid adding salt to them

the amount of salt on the gun when I get back will far outweigh this
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