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The Difference a Day Makes


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Turbo, that's you and I and PC off his Christmas card list.


All good light hearted banter but I do have to say that Motty is an original thinker who says what he feels and he has shot more pigeons than 95% of PW members.


Completely agree Jdog. It wasn't a PW sparring invitation, just my experiences and observations :good:

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I would disagree Motty. Look back over recent posts and how many say that the whirly was making them flare off, tried moving it etc. I personally don't think there is any substitute for real birds, and if the birds are expecting to feed there, real birds are more confidence giving. The OP didn't use a whirly on this occasion, and I can't think of any recent post where the artificial equipment has come anywhere equal to those that have used real birds. Just my view :yes:

You said not using a magnet gives 'the best chance'. This isn't the case. Good bags can be made with or without gadgets. I don't think there is a substitute for real birds, but a magnet/flapper can be used in conjunction with them.

I don't think people have enough patience with their rotary machines - as soon as a pigeon doesn't commit the magnet is usually blamed.

I have recently shot bags of 66, 80 , 80 , 100 and 40 in the last fortnight. I used a magnet on 4 out of the 5 occasions and every time I shot on drilled fields.

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Turbo, that's you and I and PC off his Christmas card list.


All good light hearted banter but I do have to say that Motty is an original thinker who says what he feels and he has shot more pigeons than 95% of PW members.

Not at all. I still love the lot of you.

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Well what can I say !
Been out with magnet and flapper going all the time and worked fine one day. ( Great )
Picked a good few , that was OK for the shots fired and the place that I had to take care of!
Went out 2 days later same place with the magnet and my turbo flapper in place and never shot a bird even though they were passing by they never wanted to look at the
pattern !
Bought a timer for the flapper 'MK111 Adjustable Timer Kit with Relay Output' it was a kit you make up from Maplins, £6.49 (simple to do honest.)
5 days later I went out on the same place with no magnet and only a flapper with the timer going about 8 secs on and 6 off as you can set the timing on these kits.
The birds did not give me time to roll a cigarette or have a drink of coffee, they bombed in.
Had a cracking time.
SO either the case is..if the birds know something we do not and if they want to be in they will and a man in the field with a yellow coat on will never stop them.
OR the cheapish Adjustable Timer Kit from Maplins made all the difference.
I do not know ! All I know these Adjustable Timer Kits make my battery last miles longer.... :good:
In reality I think its a case of if they want to be in they will and if they do not they will never.
That's Pigeons for you !

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