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Breaking in a .17 hmr barrel


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Whatever you do make sure you clean it well before the first shot you fire :yes: Personally a believe in the one shot clean for the first few rounds as it removes tiny edges that cannot be gotten to in general machining practices, cant prove it as no two barrels are alike but it works for me

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Same as Kent. Do make sure that you clean it thoroughly before you take the first shot. There is protective grease and all sorts of other muck in the barrel when new.


It will take quite a few shots to 'polish' the inside of the barrel and care taken now will be worth it.


You will also find that the bolt action becomes smoother with use.


Its all common sense really.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The pressures in a .17HMR barrel aren't in the same league as centrefire so shoot and polish routines might take a looong time.


I'm down with Varmint Al on rimfire barrels, a light bore polish with Bore paste or KG2 to clear out the factory grease, rough machined edges edges and lightly polish the bore should be fine.


Did this with my CZ 452 Varmint out of the box and it was giving me 5p groups at 100yds on my local indoor range. :good:


The Varmint Al page in question is here http://varmintal.com/ashot.htm scroll down about a third of the way down.

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Whatever you do make sure you clean it well before the first shot you fire :yes: Personally a believe in the one shot clean for the first few rounds as it removes tiny edges that cannot be gotten to in general machining practices, cant prove it as no two barrels are alike but it works for me

+1 You'll be amazed at the **** that comes out of a new barrel from manufacture.


Cleaning after each of the first say 10 rounds can at the very least do no harm.

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