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Split .22 Case

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Hi Chaps,


Anyone else had issues with Remmington Sub's .22 Cases?


PIc below, but i was out on Tuesday for some Rabbits and a few shots later i thought my gun had jammed (Ruger 10/22)


Had a look and i could not get the case out the barrell at all. Got home and pushed it out with a cleaning rod and found the case had split. Is it worth me complaining to Remmington as its not just round the corner to one the perm i was on and this cut my shooting short very quickly and could potentially be dangerous.





Edited by Tim85
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It's age hardening of the brass Remington ammo doesn't have a good name in the U.K. Most people who hunt use Winchester or Eley


What Remington round was it please advise complaining won't get you any where with one round


Put a rod in the boot next time ,what happens if you plug the barrel you would be on the way home anyway



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I dont think the gun likes the round anyway to be fair, not great grouping. Ill be trying out some Eley.

The ammo is: Remington Subsonic .22 LR 38-Grain Rimfire Rifle Ammunition (Hollow Point)

Ill defo have a rod in the car just in case it happens again. It was very frustrating!

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Guest rimotu66

I went off Eleys a few years ago, used to be brilliant but last batch I bought had to many slow burners and flyers it was unbelievable, I stick with Winny super X now, mostly ok and CCI's don't seem to bad either. All sub hollow point.

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We tried a box of Remington sub's on the range a few years ago. Shooting off a sandbag we were staggered at how awful they were, with some sounding like a wet **** whilst others were obviously going super-sonic......that was apart from those that just didn't fire.


At 20yds there were two defined groups as one group hit around the bull and the other an inch higher. Both groups were @ an inch.............at 20yds


Absolutely useless stuff.



They were also shot through a 10/22 and the cases came out black because they weren't obturating properly and the gasses were forcing their way back towards the shooter; no way could they be shot without eye protection out of a semi-auto.


I wouldn't use the stuff for fishing weights.




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I had the same issues with all of the cases coming out black and they were very poor on accuracy.


I have since got some Eley to try and some CCI, i went through about 80 CCI yesterday and the gun seems to like them although the rabbit didn't :)


Ill finish off the hundred of each that i have got and make a choice from there i think. The Eley were nearly double the price so they better be amazing to stay in my bag!


Thanks for the info guys!

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