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CZ452 .22 Rimfire Ammo

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i konw the general consensus for a CZ452 is either Eley or Winchester but unless i travel for miles i have difficulty getting either - however a place in Bodmin sell RWS, before i waste money has any 452 owners out there used this brand if so whats your verdict/findings??


ps did a search - nowt on the rws appeared.


Cheers Gray

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Winchester subs all the time :blush: , I use body shots to the chest or if they are broadside on I put the cross-hairs on there shoulders, this works for me and my hunting is done at 60yds, I will most of the time never find the bullet :/


Here is the damage to a 5LB block of sculpting clay at 25yds , the red arrow points to the entrance hole, the black arrow points to the exit hole, looks pretty impresive for a Sub-Sonic 22LR hollow point bullet.



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Why does it need to be either of those brands?

Every barrel is different, and will shoot better or worse with different brands of ammunition.

Just because X ammo works in Mr. Y's gun, does not mean it will be the same in yours.


RWS works well, as does Lapua in my .22, however Winchester currently fails to produce a decent group for hunting standard.


You could also try Remington Subs, CCI, Lapua subsonic, and see how these group with your rifle.

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