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Stubble Shooting Ect.

marsh man

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With all this talk lately about the general licence how would we stand on shooting on stubble ?, do they presume we only go crops, with this years drilling been pretty poor for most us a lot of the members and non members are going to rely on shooting on the stubbles ex, pea, barley, wheat, rape and bean and once the crop is gone we are no longer protecting it, then it could be the same for roost shooting, we have all been doing it long enough we take it for granted it will carry on forever , who would police it, I don't know , but if we continued doing it would we be risking our s g c , we had a laugh about shooing them off first but if they rewrite it and said we can only shoot pigeons when there doing damage to crops and on crops only we could have a big problem on our hands what do you think ?or are we worrying unnecessary

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As long as they are on the general licence then they are fair game on all crops or residue that's my take on it.


I don't do much roost shooting however and in my experience is just as difficult to build up a good bag on stubble as it is any other crop so I usually only shoot over vulnerable crops when requested to do so.


The opinion of the many land owners whose land I shoot over is divided equally. Half are comfortable with stubble shooting half don't allow it as they feel they are doing their bit for conservation and all the birds are doing is hoovering up grain that would otherwise sprout.


The same farmers plant wild bird seed on rotation and wont let me shoot that either even though there are always pigeon on it


I think any changes to the general licence in the future will not alter pest species but will perhaps simplify its constitution so as to remove any ambiguity of how it is construed.

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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With all this talk lately about the general licence how would we stand on shooting on stubble ?, do they presume we only go crops, with this years drilling been pretty poor for most us a lot of the members and non members are going to rely on shooting on the stubbles ex, pea, barley, wheat, rape and bean and once the crop is gone we are no longer protecting it, then it could be the same for roost shooting, we have all been doing it long enough we take it for granted it will carry on forever , who would police it, I don't know , but if we continued doing it would we be risking our s g c , we had a laugh about shooing them off first but if they rewrite it and said we can only shoot pigeons when there doing damage to crops and on crops only we could have a big problem on our hands what do you think ?or are we worrying unnecessary

Nope,you aren`t worrying unnecessarily!It`s the antis attacking from the rear ,having gained position in government quangos.

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