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First buck


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After picking up a new piece of land me and Andy (camokid) decided that it's time to get me my first buck, with our day decided and the sun shining we got into gear and met up at our land, we had a slow walk around the fields but not alot was happening, we ended up sat on the top of a hill looking over the fields, with thick hedgerows and a pocket of trees it was the most likely spot we would see a deer, it wasn't long before a doe appeared, she grazed happily eating the leaves of the bushes, we sat watching her for a good 15 minutes, Andy decided he was going to scan with the binos and noticed a buck emerging from the trees coming our way, I got up on my sticks and waited a good 10 minutes while the buck walked and grazed into our direction, at 140 yards he finally turned broadside and Andy gave him a shout, I took the shot and dropped him on the spot, after Andy guiding me with the gralloch, it was time to carry him back to the car, just looking forward now too getting that head on the wall.


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