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Crayfish burrows


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Not really a sporting picture but I thought it was worth posting. The water level in the stream I catch crayfish in was pretty low and it exposed some of the crayfish burrows. These burrows extend all the way along the bank but there are patches where there are loads which causes the bank to erode and to widen the stream over time. It's only a narrow stream of about 4 feet wide, but it is full of crays.


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I love crayfish, do they like any particular kind of waters/areas?

England they aren't in wales or welsh rivers and we dont want them in fact wales is pushing the native crayfish as most of southern england's population has been wiped out by the american invaders




NOt for catching/eatiing

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A good and informative picture.


I am afraid that the little ******** are here for good. Eroding stream banks is only one of the likely environmental problems they cause.

My concern is the canal system, that has been in existence for two hundred years plus , with all the raised sections they could cause havoc . I have some areas of the Grand Union that have the rabbits burrowing on the raised banks from the outside and the crays from the inside. That's on a ten mile stretch of water between locks, potential disaster.

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My concern is the canal system, that has been in existence for two hundred years plus , with all the raised sections they could cause havoc . I have some areas of the Grand Union that have the rabbits burrowing on the raised banks from the outside and the crays from the inside. That's on a ten mile stretch of water between locks, potential disaster.

Theres probably so much silt in it you could put a D8 through the bank and experience nothing more than slightly damp shoes.

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