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I am not sure if this is in the correct place ............ but ....................


This is from a club newsletter recieved this week:


" SECURITY There have been a speight of incidents lately in the Lancashire area of aggrevated burglary where the houses of FAC holders have been targeted for criminals to steal firearms.

I know we all make every effort to ensure we don’t advertise the fact we have firearms.

Please be diligent to prevent this happening to you."


I just thought I would "pass it on"

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I don't know about a spate, but there has been one case of aggravated burglary to steal guns in the Longridge, Ribble Valley area. Very nasty; wife and young children at home, husband absent, wife violently assaulted and threatened. We should never advertise we have guns in the house.

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spoke to my FEO yesterday, she said there have been 11 in the GMP area were guns have been stolen..


no pattern but it could be people are being followed home from clay shoots..


mite be worth while for us all to take another look at our security, ive started keeping my blinds shut in room were i store my cabinats, and put all my shooting clothes in a new wardrobe, i leave nothing on show, not even shooting mags...


you dont know if its your window cleaner tipping people off, bin men, milk man, it could be anybody...

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Information on holding firearms could, in the future, come from your doctor!


On the direction of NHS England Doctors can now be required to transfer patient-identifiable data from the electronic medical records that they hold to the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), via the General Practice Extraction Service (GPES) or other means. This can be done without seeking explicit consent and for purposes other than medical care.

There are substantial concerns about the privacy and confidentiality of any information transferred to HSCIC, not least because NHS England has been given legal exemptions to pass identifiable data gathered by HSCIC between itself and a range of regional processing centres, local area teams and commissioning bodies that came into force on April 1st 2013. (Now put off until September 2014 except some pilot's will start earlier) It is also disturbing to note that HSCIC provides access to patient data, some in identifiable form, to a range of ‘customers’ including private companies.

In other words if the GP has sent a letter to police confirming you are 'sound of mind' it basically flags up that your house holds firearms - a burglars charter if a corrupt individual wants to sell the information.

There is a copy of an "Opt Out" Letter at:


Edited by M4X
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It's alright not having stickers etc if you drive a car or SUV/van but my motor says this bloke goes shooting without a sticker in sight. I close blinds before getting guns out the cabinet but its not practical to hide the fact I shoot. What do we do go out dressed for the pub and change into camo/tweed or whatever in the field.

It's hard to try be an ambassador to the sport if you hide the fact you shoot.


The sad fact is that there are some nasty people out there who will go to extreme lengths to get what they want. The other fact is that compared to the number of FAC/SGC holders these things are rare.

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I have a few yards to walk to and from my car, my GSD comes shooting with me so there's little chance of any sane criminal attacking me during my short walk - but it's pretty obvious from my SUV that I've been off road, especially when it's wet and muddy.


My cabinets are in a separate, locked room, so my security is about as good as it can be. What more can we do?

It's hard to try be an ambassador to the sport if you hide the fact you shoot.


I agree, and I tell everyone that I shoot - except people who know where I live...

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i shot we a chap many years ago.and he had about 10 shotguns in the shed, unlocked and the were there for yeras,how things have changed.

Things have not changed but people have.in this materialistic society we now live in life is cheap.respect has been overtaken by greed.

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spoke to my FEO yesterday, she said there have been 11 in the GMP area were guns have been stolen..


no pattern but it could be people are being followed home from clay shoots..



It is obvious. Our North v South clay comp is coming up - the North Boys are just tooling up for the event!!!! :yahoo:

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Its certainly on the rise. I live in Lancashire and get sent the farmwatch reports myself and its not that common as an aggravated event most events are seemingly people leaving guns in cars or in the course of burglaries. More often occurring than one might suspect though

Been said that the supply of illegal guns is drying up some with the search for illegal immigrants and terrorists etc at points of entry to uk. Home made / grown drugs also seems on the up as a result of importation risks


Constant an annual reviews of existing security are the way forwards IMO

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