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Automatic clay trap, west yorkshire

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Dear Brothers and sisters of the collective PW,


I have a very cheeky request but one that will hopefully be fruitful in my quest.


I am looking for an automatic clay trap that I could borrow for the day for a local scout group near to Huddersfield, they are celebrating 75 years as a camp site and have put on a weekend for the scouting fraternity to celebrate. Part of the varied activities that they are wanting to run is clay pigeon shooting for a day so that the youngsters can have a go. I am just looking to borrow the trap for a day and will return in the evening so that it is not left out overnight.


I have cartridges and clays but just missing something that will throw them out


Thank you




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Before you go running around collecting traps etc.

Have you cleared matters with the Police?

For example have you applied for and obtained a Section 11-6 exemption certificate?


This is what allows non SGC holders to be in possession of a shotgun whilst under instruction.



Edited by webber
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