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my first big of bother while shooting

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After driving back home yesterday from the charity shoot I had a phone call from one of the land owners asking if I would go up and sort some rabbits out in one of the top feilds no problem I will call tomorrow for a chat and see were they are causing the problems. So I drove up today just before dinner with the 17hmr and was pointed in the direction of the problem, 8 rabbits later a a pre scout for tonight's shoot all was well. (Where the problem was was on the farm boundary backs on to a small hand full of houses and a garage (scrap yard) which I tend to avoid but have never had any problems with) so tonight came around 8ish we arrived and off we went dropped 4 rabbits from the farm drive into the field, as we walked to pick them up abuse came for the garage owner (he lives in the flat above) ment to be violent and intimidating, I tried to talk to him to let him know what we are doing but falls on deft ears, upon hearing the hassle an neighbour pops his head out asked what we are doing and says all's well but will be phoning the land owner to check if we have permission fine as I intended to call in on my way back anyway. with abuse still flying for the garage owner with comments like we are going to kill some one nobody should have rifles a 17her can still go 5 miles away ;) he then pipes up with I shoot shotguns and no all about this a shot gun doesn't do anything after 50-80 yards :) and the classic there silents so they are more deadly. Now all shots were taking in a safe manor into the ground away from the houses with one shot failing to hit the target and hit a inch high into the grass, so I walked away reached the bottom of the fields expecting a armed responce and helicopter out so phoned 101 reported the incident and let them know who I was vehicle and mobile number. I then decided to phone the landowner and inform him did but was beaten to it by the other party, farmers fine with everything just asks us to keep away from there for awhile no problem.


No this guy has really annoyed me with his attitude and behaviour so do I report this to the FEO regarding his attitude and behaviour if he does hold a gun, and the council as he uses the ditch on his land but borders my shoot as a skip old tyres bits of machines and old oil drums or do I leave it and avoid the field as.much as possible.

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Yeah I would report it to the police and explain the situation and that the land owner is happy you are doing nothing wrong. I had a similar thing getting abused while out shooting. Told land owner and went to local police station they told me I was in the right and gave me an incident number so if it happened again I should phone 101 and they would then know exactly what was the problem. Not a nice thing to have happen is it but touch wood I have had no problem since.

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Used to shoot rabbits in neighbours garden (neighbour a Chief Inspector police!!) until a farmer complained about shot falling on his farm buildings (anyone seen a flying rabbit?). This didnt reach me until I bumped into our old FLO, an old school buddy of mine, who told me he had ignored complaint. Told copper neighbour no more dead rabbits - we might want to move house so didn't want to have to have to disclose. Think it was farmers wife, a veggie who had complained about hunt before. Can't quite see how a chicken farmer (raised for the pot, not eggs) can have a veggie for a wife?

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its ok for the farmer to say shoot, you are the one in the cart i never shoot near any houses,hope it comes good for you.


Not many people are that lucky, some of my shooting has houses very close as in 1 metre and I still shoot the rabbits they don't like it but tough luck I'm there to do a job and I'm all legal so all I tell them is phone the police if you want Ile crack on shooting till they turn up. Guess what they have never turned up once in the last 7 years I've shot this particular field.

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