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Mossberg question

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Hi guys! Got a Mossberg 600AT, trying to modernise it. Thinking of plastic stock, forend, etc. Anything I could find are for a 500 or 590. As far as I know there are only two differences (firing pin spring and removing magazine tube to get forend of/action bars?). So itcould be ok. However Midway Uk is says the kit won't go on a 600AT. Can't give exact explanation, based on costumer experience. On US gun forums people say it goes on... Confused. Anyone done something like this? Any ideas? Thx

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Confused. Anyone done something like this? Any ideas?



Me too, given that you asked the identical question on full-bore a couple of days back & had several replies that answered your query...

Edited by saddler
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Confused. Anyone done something like this? Any ideas?



Me too, given that you asked the identical question on full-bore a couple of days back & had several replies that answered your query...

No, it hasn't, just added more confusion. If i've seen one, done, modified, my question will be answered, I think.
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The Newhaven 600AT was essentially a 500AT sold under that name for an American chain store with some having small bands welded to the mag tube under the slide tube (to prevent rattling I'm lead to believe) this can cause a problem where by you have to remove the mag tube to get the slide off all after-market kit and OM kit should fit without a problem, if you do have some snags with the mag tube you can always replace it with a standard 500 tube as long as you comply with restriction reference SEC1/2.


Hope this clarifies things

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