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reloading kit? what do I need?

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I will be getting my first centre fire rifle in a couple of weeks and I would like to start to start reloading too. Its a marlin 1894 in .357 /.38 Special and I'm not sure if I'll be loading both or just stick to the 357. And tune the loads for what I need. I would like to load 12g slug and probably 303 at some time in the future too.

But back to my original question. What do I need and what should I expect to spend.

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To load a single caliber I would go for a lee classic loader which a full set up will cost less than £40 at kranks, if you want to load 12g you will require a completely different press to one for centrefire rounds and you can pick one up for about £50+ a few extras you will need but not sure what they are as I don't do it. If you are looking in the future to load .357 .38 and .303 I would say get a lee single stage press, £125 for a complete kit including power measure, hand primer, beam scales and some other case conditioning bits but then you will need to get the corresponding dies for each caliber you wish to load. Take a look at Henry kranks website and they have all the Lee reloading stuff you would need. Hope that helps.

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I would suggest you get one of these at first, I use one in .243, they are great for individual rounds, each one taking less than a minute, you will need powder scales I got an electronic set on Ebay they work well.



That's everything you need to reload for £28 ?


Why are other kits so damn expensive ?

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You need a few other bits with it but still all in for under £40. It's probably partly to do with the manufacturing process involved and the use of more materials that put the price up on something like a press, the only thing to keep in mind is that it will only allow you to reload for 1 caliber where as a press just needs new dies.

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Going on the instructions, the tool that seats the bullet is to be tapped down until it makes contact with the die. Idiot proof - or so I thought! I'm sure the die needs adjusting and will probably solve the problem with it. Having said that the single stage press I'm now using is turning out rounds which are spot on.

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