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Equality in clay prices


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The last time I shot at West Kent (about twenty years ago) I thought that it was a great little shooting ground but believed its pricing structure for practice was designed to deter the riff raff like me and nothing seems to have changed, ‘in either case’!


NITD (No Interest To Declare)


Oh yes, forgot! Vive la difference


(But there again I don’t object to ‘birds only' shoots either)!

Edited by STOTTO
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I suppose you stood up against free drinks /half price for Ladys nights in the clubs etc. ? In fairness they are both illegal sexual discrimination though the reason is likely to raise the amount of women at the clay ground and sport in question, no bad thing for shooting or the ground itself

I don't like selective equality initiatives - be equal (and pay the same) or don't (but stop banging on about the requirement of being equal).


Your logic is perverse - it may raise the numbers of women, but will then prevent men going as we object to the differentiation applied. I bet it will lose more men than it will gain women.

Edited by Beretta06
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I visited a local clay ground yesterday and was disappointed to see a difference in prices per clay for women and men!! Women was 31p and men were 33p. Retired and juniors also received a discount. I am sorry, but I don't see why ladies should pay less per target, I kind of understand the idea behind the young and old though.

I expect the normal PC nonsensical explanation that it encourages women to the sport - we should be attracting everyone, regardless of their sex!

Anyone else noticed similar price variations??

keep your mouth shut,or you'll be paying 33p for the wife too ! :)
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I shoot there every so often with my wife and wonder why it's cheaper for her but then think well at least I have saved little amount of money.

But I do think we should all be paying the same amount really equal rights and all that.

I must also add that it's a smashing ground to shoot and the high tower is awesome

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I don't like selective equality initiatives - be equal (and pay the same) or don't (but stop banging on about the requirement of being equal).


Your logic is perverse - it may raise the numbers of women, but will then prevent men going as we object to the differentiation applied. I bet it will lose more men than it will gain women.


Its not my logic its the clay ground in question. Did you make a fuss over Ladies nights in the clubs? Personally if I went for a round of clays I should rather sit down and have a coffee and chat to a few nice ladys than a couple of grumpy old blokes, wittering on about the girls getting to pay a couple of quid less.

Like I say in todays age a claim could be brought against the ground but then they would just put up the female price to suit, might that achieve anything positive- No! They are looking to recruit and attract greater numbers, look on the positive side more paying guns attending and all prices could be lowered, achieved by better economies of scale.


If people want something to complain about how about kids over a certain age paying for an EA rod licence and younger ones being free, from when did 13 and 14 yr old kids have to work for a living and 10-11 yr olds did not etc.

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Its not my logic its the clay ground in question. Did you make a fuss over Ladies nights in the clubs? Personally if I went for a round of clays I should rather sit down and have a coffee and chat to a few nice ladys than a couple of grumpy old blokes, wittering on about the girls getting to pay a couple of quid less.

Like I say in todays age a claim could be brought against the ground but then they would just put up the female price to suit, might that achieve anything positive- No! They are looking to recruit and attract greater numbers, look on the positive side more paying guns attending and all prices could be lowered, achieved by better economies of scale.


If people want something to complain about how about kids over a certain age paying for an EA rod licence and younger ones being free, from when did 13 and 14 yr old kids have to work for a living and 10-11 yr olds did not etc.

We're you dropped as a child?? It is YOUR logic. The clay club haven't made comment yet - you said it is probably to increase the number of ladies, not them. In my OP, I stated that was the likely excuse, but only you stated it!


If you want to sit and chat to nice ladies (for free too!) you'd be better off at a WI meeting. The disparity still makes no sense to me.

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I think I should only be charged for the clays I actually hit...


'bout £1.30 a round for me then.

would suit me too, would spend all my time on H2, H&L4 then I'd only have to pay for carts. They have air guitar, air-soft.......I've come up with a whole new hobby - air shooting

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Just a look on the lighter side of things.



Ladies at Any Price

I prefer a few ladies just to hand

When I am stood inside the stand

My prowess for them to observe

But if my aim is off the page

When I step outside of the cage

I get the looks that I deserve

For as you can plainly see

And here is the glitch for me

In so many words it is too difficult to hit the clays

While keeping one’s mind’s eye on which birds!


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