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Bit of a slow morning waiting for phone call so just doing a bit of channel hopping on the TV. Settled on a prog' I hadn't seen before; 'UK Border Force'. There was some bloke from Mumbai who landed at Heathrow with his wife with half a dozen cases between them which on opening were found to contain 18,000 cigarettes and 27+ kilos of rolling baccy. The duty was valued at over £10,000 and I had to laugh when he said he was aware the limit was 200 hundred and was subsequently asked 'then why do you have 18,000?' He claimed he wasn't going to make any profit and only use the cigarettes as 'exchange'. According to his passport he was a regular visitor to these shores.

Him and his mrs were refused entry and told their visas would be cancelled and the reason why stated on the visa, and they were to be returned to Mumbai in the morning. The bloke then tried to claim he would be killed if returned and offered to kill himself there and then on the spot rather than be returned to Mumbai. He then got a bit emotional and was asked if he wanted to claim political asylum to which he said yes.

He was then told he and his wife would be detained until their hearing for political asylum was heard and even then detained until a decision was made,and you could see the panic on his face when he was told his passport would be seized, and all of a sudden he wasn't upset anymore but offered to return to Mumbai when the authorities offered to change the reason for denial of visit on his visa, thereby any source in Mumbai wouldn't be aware of his attempted smuggling of cigarettes.

Great stuff! What a brilliant job!

Another bloke has been detained and reckons his purpose of visit is that he has a personal message for the Queen! :lol: May take the day off and watch this prog' all day!

Just edited to say immigration phoned Maj' and sure enough the bloke was expected! Definatly taking the day off!

Edited by Scully
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We seem to be a lot nicer than the Australian version. Over there, they seem to end up in prison for 5 years plus.

Yeah, the Aussie version was on earlier; some young lass attempting to smuggle in steroids from Thailand. He: 'Have you got a permit for these?' She: ' What's a permit?'

I have missed my vocation in life. :yes:

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Yes they are good programmes the first time round however they have been repeated so many times and on more than one channel they have become a tad boring.


However they do show that the Aussies will not allow anything or anyone to enter their country that/who should not be there. The sentences for drug smuggling are 'meaningful' but don't seem to deter people from trying.


The other thing I've noticed is the programme makers are doing what I call pick n mix they take bits of several episodes and mix them together. Initially looks like a new episode until the penny drops.

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The thing that really grieves me on the British series is the number of times that illegals are found working in takeaways and, because they have no passport or identity, they can't be deported so they're released on bail to report to Police stations. Oh! Yeah!! 'course they do :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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