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Getting paid for beating & picking up

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Realistically HMRC have thrown the threat out there in the hope the more commercial shoots comply. I'm yet to hear of one locally that does, most rely on cash from guns to pay beaters and cash is untraceable if you don't record who it goes to or where it came from. If you are filing full accounts then it may be different but otherwise they only show what you put into them.

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Realistically HMRC have thrown the threat out there in the hope the more commercial shoots comply. I'm yet to hear of one locally that does, most rely on cash from guns to pay beaters and cash is untraceable if you don't record who it goes to or where it came from. If you are filing full accounts then it may be different but otherwise they only show what you put into them.

None of this is aimed specifically at shoots, we are talking about standard tax rules that apply to all income from any type of work, income from beating has always been taxable. I have been on quite a few commercial shoots, and none of them have ever asked for cash to pay the beaters. The only cash usually required is a tip for the keeper.


Syndicate shoots often ask the guns for cash for the beaters, and I agree with what you say about traceability. The likelihood of a beater who beats on one shoot 8 times a season for £20 a time is unlikely to get caught out. There are other beaters that are out several times a week, who can earn a tidy sum over the course of a season. These people are much more likely to come to the attention of HMRC.

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None of this is aimed specifically at shoots, we are talking about standard tax rules that apply to all income from any type of work, income from beating has always been taxable. I have been on quite a few commercial shoots, and none of them have ever asked for cash to pay the beaters. The only cash usually required is a tip for the keeper.


Syndicate shoots often ask the guns for cash for the beaters, and I agree with what you say about traceability. The likelihood of a beater who beats on one shoot 8 times a season for £20 a time is unlikely to get caught out. There are other beaters that are out several times a week, who can earn a tidy sum over the course of a season. These people are much more likely to come to the attention of HMRC.

Yes this thread is all about being paid on shoot days and nothing else

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You may have noticed bb/Lindz we have a couple of tax accountants or even tax men in our forum. The best thing for you is to find out from the keeper how they manage their money as the new tax system for casual work (if you really want to sleep tonight check the PW archives - I think it was simply 'beaters wages') has rather changed things for many shoots. I'm getting close to the 40% tax band when I get my state pension soon so I'm going to have to think carefully about where I beat. There are still a few small cash only (and this is everything aspect of shoot) where it is £25 in your back pocket and no questions asked but the larger arrangements are all taking detail for 'tax' purposes and you will therefore have to declare. On one large estate run by a tight -****d titled gentleman we are paid £30 gross, have passed all details (NI no, address, DOB) to shoot and have been told we are only paid for 4.75hrs to keep within minimum pay laws. This of course means I get £24 net but only £18 the following season. Not sure how they are going to manage the 19p minimum wage rise later this year - a brace of birds each?? Or will they declare a reduction to our working day?? We did have an excellent cock day with quite a few beers at the end so money isn't everything.

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Apologies if this sounds incredibly naive of me, but surely nobody would realise or ask questions if you just took the cash and say filled up your tank with it? As opposed to being bogged down on whether you should declare it and what title to give this declaration

But, it isn't just what you receive - the shoot owner needs to explain why £1000 (generalised number) vanishes each week - for beaters, pickers up etc. he should show the wages as his expenses, so the tax man knows you have it!! For most, it doesn't have a major impact, just a bit of paperwork.

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Cheers guys,


Some confusing thoughts and issues have been posted and thanks for that, its not much clearer. I think I will just have to wait and see what is offered by the estate / head keeper at the time and how they deal with it and take it from there.


The estate is a rather exclusive well run private club with all the country persuits offered to there guests (shooting fishing horse riding etc) so I am sure there will be a tracability for the accountants.


As I said at the begining I am not bothered about getting a payment as I just would like the opportunity to work my dog(s) and hopefully get out on a beaters day at the end of the season.

It is also a means of contact for the future when I do eventually hang up my rig boots and may want to have an additional small income from working my dogs.


Thanks again guys.



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