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rat bait


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Rats avoid new objects in a known area for up to 5 weeks! Now what do you think they are up to in those 5 weeks? shooting is fine as a backup but will never remove rats. Get some poison down (lots of it) and then just leave a couple of tunnel traps set for new ones (catch one and repeate the poisoning)

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Not all rats are nearfobic (scared of new objects)ive had rats in traps and bait boxes the same ss there lifestyle is changing just like ours.they used to be nocturnal but thats changed to be seeing them in daylight.if there is no food for them they will travel and run around during the day because of hunger.if you have no pets that can get near the bait or the dead rats i would heavily bait it nate as rats gourge feed and they need to drink were mice dont a.d they get the moisture frim there food.ive had idiots say they have suckers on there feet thats why thy can climb so obvious some people are tripping more thsn others ******* loons.

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Not all rats are nearfobic (scared of new objects)ive had rats in traps and bait boxes the same ss there lifestyle is changing just like ours.they used to be nocturnal but thats changed to be seeing them in daylight.if there is no food for them they will travel and run around during the day because of hunger.if you have no pets that can get near the bait or the dead rats i would heavily bait it nate as rats gourge feed and they need to drink were mice dont a.d they get the moisture frim there food.ive had idiots say they have suckers on there feet thats why thy can climb so obvious some people are tripping more thsn others ******* loons.


Perhaps but dumb anythings exist throughout all life forms

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  • 3 weeks later...

don't seem to like nuttella here, prefer stale brown bread or bacon spam. what is to best and most affective active ingredent in poison as there are so many?

  • Brodifacoum
  • Bromadiolone
  • Bromethalin
  • Chlorophacinone
  • Cholecalciferol
  • Difenacoum
  • Difethialone
  • Diphacinone

or Powdered Corn Cob

Edited by sarol
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