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West Mercia Police FLD - Credit where its due !

Salop Matt

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Over the years I have been subjected to the slow turn around times and over due renewals and crazy ideas dished out by West Mercia Firearms Department.


My shotgun certificate was due for renewal on: 27/02/15, I received my reminder 3 weeks ago. I spent the week to fill the form out, get the photos and get my referee bit done.

Two weeks ago I posted it off to them with my old license (they have always insisted on having your old one).



So today am chomping away at my ham butty listening to the wife (had tuned out not sure what she was yabbering about) and the letter box sounded. So I went to grab it and noticed a brown envelope from WMFLD. My first thought was dam theyve returned it saying ive done it wrong or sent it to early.


So I open the envelope to see my old certificate/license and my heart sunk a little for a second.....until I registered the new license behind it all done and correctly! You could have knocked me over with a feather, I couldnt believe it based on past experiences.


So am quick enough to slate them when they are slow, late and or got it wrong, so here I am fairly saying:


Well done West Mercia, you got it right and in two weeks am real impressed.

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