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My 10 month old Lab dog is showing great promise - He has though one (well almost) bad fault - He thrives on fox, badger, cat, deer etc poop. Even if he is on a lead his very keen sense of smell will make him lurch forward or sideways and -- gobble up the left overs.


I have tried a good shaking (he's now getting too big to lift up and stare in the eyes plus his breath is a tad iffy!) A loud "NO" just gets a sideways look for more so anyone any suggestions please?



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I had a pup with similar copraphagic issues. I was concerned that there was something lacking in her diet, but this wasn't the case, it was more a habit which she later stopped. I did read, and I can't remember where, that if you coat/spray an inviting stool with chilli powder/sauce and allow the puppy to have a feed. The result should create the necessary aversion. I personally have not used this method and am unable to say if it is successful, but best of luck. If everything fails just buy the pup a pack of extra strong mints, at least the breath won't smell as bad.

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Thanks for the reply Mochastorm - If he had chilli flavoured poop it would make no difference. In fact, his "appetite" would accommodate the delicacy with great gusto.

He's fed on premium dog food (Skinners Junior) plus a little meat stirred into his evening meal. He actually enjoys "hunting" for his little habits!


I did think of using an electric collar and zap him if he continues to chomp at what he's found?

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Cripes no electric collar!! He won't differentiate poo from other foods and if he's zapped in your presence it may put him off eating anywhere near you! It won't teach him not to eat poo, it'll just teach him not to eat poo when you're about. Have you tried distracting him when you know he's going in for an illicit chomp? I do appreciate that delicacies such as deer and badger poop are often hard to resist to a dog, by the way!

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Alas,steaming its not (the poo)


I would not "zap" him if he was close - I think feeding him on his walk would make no difference and he would, perhaps, look forward to a "cheese board"!


He may grow out of it in time - His good points out way his peccadilloes - I've had a few dogs in my time, some good, a lot mediocre and one who was exceptional - This Lab is showing every sign of a trial dog - if he can keep his nose off the ****!

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A 'leave that' command may come in useful, then - imagine if he stopped in a WT or a trial to fill his boots lol. We test and trial spaniels so I feel your pain!


Maybe carry with you a treat of greater worth then, teach him that the (albeit tempting) sight and smell of a poo means that if he comes back to you upon recall he gets something really yummy?!?


To be fair, he'll probably grow it of it, but that distant hope doesn't help when he's breathing and burping eau de faeces all over you lol

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"Leave it you ******* b##tard" is more commonly used (unless ladies present) It does work as he is very obedient and he will come back smelling of goodness knows what. If he is retrieving a dummy or cold game (which he took to like a professional) there is not a problem (yet) If I recall him with the whistle his reaction is immediate and he will come straight back at a gallop!


He does get the occasional treat for good behaviour or a job well done which works well.


I'm off up the wooden stairs now as its a day out with the older Lab tomorrow -------

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I am not completely anti electric collar for major problems, and they have their uses in the right hands for dogs of a certain personality. You have described a promising, quick learning gundog. To us humans it's a disgusting habit, to dogs it's no big deal. The E collar could possibly cause other issues with his progress in an attempt to cure what is really just a misdemeanour that he will probably grow out of.

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E Collars are very good in certain circumstances I have had the need to use one myself once when all else had failed, but I under no circumstance use one for the situation you describe .

Its a Lab , labs like to eat anything , sooner of later you will also find they also like to roll in stuff that stinks , eating it is far better if you need to take them home in a car !

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I quite agree re the collar - I have one and have used it on a very recalcitrant Lab who would run (and still does) in despite every possible precaution - He is a rescue dog and obviously from show strain.

The other miscreant will, I'm sure grow out of the habit and as pointed out above he is a Lab. He has a very gentle nature and loves to please so zapping, although a possible cure, is out as he would be shaking for days!

Thank you all for your advice and suggestions --

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