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which caliber

snow white

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.243 is a better all rounder imho ,if u go down the deerstalking route later 95/100 gr ammo jobs a good one.if you want to do foxes 55/75 gr will do all day all night no issues and the choice of makes ,price range is amazing.if u go .22/250 and then want to move up and that gives you the variation dance.

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There is a site here that calculates barrel life;




Life depends on hot hot ( fast) your loads are, for factory ammo i would say that by 1500 rounds your barrell will not be performing as it would be when new. A lot of used 22.250s have shot out barrels, mainly by people trying to find an accurate load.


Of the two I would go 243 if you are allowed by your FEO.


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Why not another 223? I've put nearly 5000 rounds through mine and it shows no sign of barrel wear accuracy wise, and I don't expect it to for a long time yet. It's taken me nearly 8 years to push that many through it and it has taken foxes out to 300 yards in daylight and killed them just as well as a 250 or 243 (both calibers I have experience with) I have a 243 now and have never used it as a foxing rifle as I have never been in a situation where it would be beneficial over my 223 night vision rifle or my much preferred foxer, the .204 ruger, both fox capable out to 300 yards with less powder, boom and muzzle flip than the bigger cf's. 99% of my foxing is at night time and out of 1000's of foxes, 250 yards has happened a very few times in ideal conditions! Easy meat for a .223 50/55g load. Oh yeah, I prefer the .204 as it had even less recoil or noise than the .223 and when I pick them foxes up they are still in one piece with very rare exit wounds but still just as dead as if hit by a 223, 250, swift, 243 and the likes.

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