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My last flight of the season ( I think )


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Wash wildfowler from the forum kindly invited me out for a tide flight with him today , we was joined by Muncher who got his first taste of fowling on this particular bit of marsh .


It was nice not to get up at the crack of dawn for once and we met up and headed down to the marsh at 8am


After a reasonably long walk out a couple of good size creeks were selected with Wash wildfowler and myself on one and Muncher on another 200 yards or so away .


We got the decoys out in the creek and it was not too long before we saw some action we saw a widgeon heading over Munchers position and a single shot rang out and the first duck was in the bag .


I missed my first chance taking a couple of shots at a fast flaring widgeon that came up the creek .


The next chance was again at Widgeon with a small pack heading nicely toward us up the creek , I managed a left and right while wash wildfowler dropped a third one from the same pack


Things then slowed down somewhat , but eventually I just happened to look up in time to spot a single widgeon heading low along the creek another fairly simple shot and it dropped to my first shot .


Next up was a widgeon I saw late and I missed underneath as it was going away .


I finished with a cock teal that came low up the creek which fell to a single shot , it turned out to be a diver and Wash wildfowlers dog did a very good job on the retrieve as it was giving him a bit of a run around.


So I think that may be it for me this season and a fine way to finish if it is .


Muncher finished with two teal and the widgeon I think , hopefully he will be along to give his version of advents.


Thanks again to wash wildfowler as he goes out of his way to get you on the ducks and will always put his shooting second to you , a pleasure to be on the marsh with , thanks mate.


A few pics not the best quality from my phone.


Wash wildfowler






The creek



And my bag


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You seem to have done pretty Well this season, Considering you are pretty new to Coastal Wildfowling.

Going by your reports, You seem to be keeping the right kind of Company.

Well done on a good season.


Thank you , yes I am very pleased with the way this season has gone and have been fortunate enough to have been out a few times with some good guys for which I am very grateful , the wash is such a vast area it is a great help when you can tag along with someone who knows it much better .


I am already looking forward to next season when I hope to push my boundaries a little more.

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Wash wildfowler from the forum kindly invited me out for a tide flight with him today , we was joined by Muncher who got his first taste of fowling on this particular bit of marsh .


It was nice not to get up at the crack of dawn for once and we met up and headed down to the marsh at 8am


After a reasonably long walk out a couple of good size creeks were selected with Wash wildfowler and myself on one and Muncher on another 200 yards or so away .


We got the decoys out in the creek and it was not too long before we saw some action we saw a widgeon heading over Munchers position and a single shot rang out and the first duck was in the bag .


I missed my first chance taking a couple of shots at a fast flaring widgeon that came up the creek .


The next chance was again at Widgeon with a small pack heading nicely toward us up the creek , I managed a left and right while wash wildfowler dropped a third one from the same pack


Things then slowed down somewhat , but eventually I just happened to look up in time to spot a single widgeon heading low along the creek another fairly simple shot and it dropped to my first shot .


Next up was a widgeon I saw late and I missed underneath as it was going away .


I finished with a cock teal that came low up the creek which fell to a single shot , it turned out to be a diver and Wash wildfowlers dog did a very good job on the retrieve as it was giving him a bit of a run around.


So I think that may be it for me this season and a fine way to finish if it is .


Muncher finished with two teal and the widgeon I think , hopefully he will be along to give his version of advents.


Thanks again to wash wildfowler as he goes out of his way to get you on the ducks and will always put his shooting second to you , a pleasure to be on the marsh with , thanks mate.


A few pics not the best quality from my phone.


Wash wildfowler


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The creek



And my bag


It was a long overdue flight fenboy that had been planned for a while but due to my health problems and other things coming up but it happend in the end , It was nice to finally meet up with muncher and actually get a chance to talk and have a proper conversation, all tho we've met a few times before at the wash clubs meetings..



It was great to be in the company of two good guys a bit of banter and some good shooting from both of you . Looking forward to next season to have a few planned flights together ..





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