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ferreting in small spaces

Dead-Eyed Duck

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One of the houses on an estate that I shoot has been bothered by rabbits in the garden for years, and so last year the estate paid for the back garden to be rabbit fenced.


The problem was that this was done before the resident rabbits were sorted!


So, it ended up being a sanctuary for some resident rabbits that created even more havoc amongst the flowerbeds.


A few weeks ago I was asked to tackle this problem, and as you will see from the attached pics the garden was very small. However, it loooked like the Somme battlefield, and it was very difficult to put a foot down without it disappearing down a hole.


We put down almost 70 nets, and still left some holes uncovered. Still, we stood back and tipped in three ferrets and waited for the fun to start!


After an hour of furious bolting rabbits we called it a day, and as far as we could see there were only a couple of half-grown left which kept on running thro' the nets. We've got to go back in the next week to tackle these few remaining with air rifles, and that'll be it - a job well done!



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