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Wolverine shooting a bit strange

deputy dog

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Was out with my Wolverine B yesterday and thought I'd check the zero on it. So I attached the bipod and lay down about 45 yards away from a make shift target.

Fired a couple of mags and noticed a bit of inconsistent pellets going out in the wrong direction. So I checked every slug JSB Exacts 16 grainers near enough, for damage before loading them. And still getting an odd couple flying out to the left and the grouping wasn't the best either.

So I took off the bipod and shot off my folded up coat and by some strange occurrence I had no fliers and the groupings were tighter. Feeling puzzled I put the bipod back and and groups were wider and fliers happened again. Took it off shot and groups noticeably tights with hardly no fliers.

Any body else had this sort or experience and if so what would they say may be the cause of bad groupings an fliers using a bipod as I'm baffled big time lol.






Edited by deputy dog
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Just a thought. How is your bipod mounted? Is it on a clamp on the buddy bottle?

The reason i ask is that there's a chance that the bottle is flexing slightly with the weight of the gun, causing the bottle to push against the barrel, which in turn might be distorting the accuracy.

That might explain why it happens with a bipod, but not when the weight is more evenly pressed over a coat. The gap between barrel and bottle is tiny on the B-Type and I seem to remember there being a few problems with that gap when it was released.

Edited by chrisjpainter
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Gareth, its got to be the weight of the rifle on the bipod. Maybe the wood is making contact with the bottle. With the bipod on a stud, the weight is directly on that area, whereas with the rifle laid on a jumper, its more evenly spread as Chris said. I presume the stud hasn't been fitted all the way through the forend and is touching the bottle? I would be out with the glasspaper, and see if you can get just a nats clearance between the forend and the bottle.


One other thought. Its 30ft/lbs isn't it? I guess it will trying to throw those pellets out with quite a blast up the rear :lol: 16 grains might be a little weak for that, hence the not great groups. But that wouldn't different between the bipod and another form of rest. I know my Airwolf Fac wont send 16 grainers out with any sort of groups that I'm happy with at 27ft/lbs. AA Field heavy (18grains) are the best of the mid weight pellets, as are bis mags/baraccuda Match 21grn. And when its on 36ft/lbs, its the 21 grainers only.

Edited by turbo33
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mine as you can see is on the forend of the stock via a short stud, and NO problems at all with accuracy ,it will shoot the knackers off a flea, well whilst its not flying anyway,


what are the bipod feet on ? ie hard surface ect, also Gareth is your bipod the tilting type ? as they are a waste of space,cant stand the things


the only thing I could suggest is the rifle is moving on the bipod due to the recoil (although not much) it is making the feet move or jump even though it doesn't feel like it, when you are using the other,,folded up coat rest lol then the coat is absorbing the recoil shock and is not moving the rifle,


I know its a pcp and I know there is not much recoil but believe me it will jump on its feet and yours being FAC it will happen,


my suggestion is to make sure you have a decent rubber sleeve between the bipod and the stock to absorb the recoil and see if that improves it,,failing that then I would ensure you grip the rifle a bit tighter lol


only explanation I can think of but if its not that then I havnt got the slightest clue what it could be


atb Evo

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Yes mines the same as you're Bob mate attached to the underside of the stock and not the bottle.

It does nudge a bit in the shoulder albeit very light but it maybe enough to cause the accuracy problems. As like I said I tried it on a folded coat and it was near perfect. I originally thought it may be pressure variations going up and down but I honestly don't think it that.

I'll have to put her through a chronograph first though just to rule out for sure.

If it's not that or the bipod then I'm flummoxed as to what it could be either.

Cheers for advice though lads much appreciated



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mine as you can see is on the forend of the stock via a short stud, and NO problems at all with accuracy ,it will shoot the knackers off a flea, well whilst its not flying anyway,


what are the bipod feet on ? ie hard surface ect, also Gareth is your bipod the tilting type ? as they are a waste of space,cant stand the things


the only thing I could suggest is the rifle is moving on the bipod due to the recoil (although not much) it is making the feet move or jump even though it doesn't feel like it, when you are using the other,,folded up coat rest lol then the coat is absorbing the recoil shock and is not moving the rifle,


I know its a pcp and I know there is not much recoil but believe me it will jump on its feet and yours being FAC it will happen,


my suggestion is to make sure you have a decent rubber sleeve between the bipod and the stock to absorb the recoil and see if that improves it,,failing that then I would ensure you grip the rifle a bit tighter lol


only explanation I can think of but if its not that then I havnt got the slightest clue what it could be


atb Evo

Well that's not very sporting :-) -10 PW points to you. :lol:




I actually second what EVO says about the decent rubber strip between bipod and the stock as this made a difference on one of my guns. Also could be the hold is different with the bipod compared to over a folder up coat? Perhaps get a mate to try a few shots from both and see if it's 'just you'?

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