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Is it fair or not........

Lancs Lad

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I want a dog.............. had enough of playing dog and fetching downed birds, chasing runners and loosing downed birds in thick cover.


I wanted a springer or a lab, but the wife wouldnt agree to a "big dog". We saw some working cockers at the midlands game fair and she said she would "consider" one of those.


So a cocker it will be.


The flip side of it is.


Wife and I both work. I work 45 hours a week, she works 37 hours a week (school term times, so she is off for the kids holidays etc).


The dog will be a "house" dog when we are in and a "kennel dog" when we are out.


Is it fair, is it acceptable for pooch to be kept like this, Im obviously commited to training etc when I am at home - usualy by about 6.30pm - I dont work weekends.



What are your thoughts...........



Ive got my eye on one of madspringers mates cockers, is it fair to leave a pup alone from 8am till 5 when the wife gets home.....

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get 2 and your sorted.


Dogs not wives :good:


Get 2 of both Keep one at home to look after the dogs and send the other out to work, or better still send them both out to work and you stay at home to look after the dogs. :D


Seriuosly though,


Problems will come in the first few months till the dog settles in. I was in a simmilar situation, but the new pup was staying with the old dog in the run and I could make it back on lunch times a couple of time a week, to take them for walks ect.

Now the missus works from home 2 days a week so no real probs for me.


As long as the dog has a good sized run and gets his exercise 2 - 3 times a day anyway with plenty of "bonding" time at the weekend then all should be OK.


Might even loose some shooting time due to training th pup bit you will make up for it later with a good shooting companion.


Go for it & hopefully you will not regret it, cos remember you will have the dog for 12 - 16 years (hopefully) and a lot will change in that time wether you planned it or not.



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I know lots of people say you shouldn't get a dog if you're not at home most of the day, but when I was a kid my family never had any problems with leaving the dog at home on its own all day (from about 8 til 5). We had a Labrador first who was left outside all day when we were out and she never showed any signs of distress over being left. No signs of being destructive or hurting herself etc. We had a Bernese after her (totally different temperament etc) and the same with him. As long as it's properly fed, exercised, trained and just loved and looked after, that's what matters. I think my mum took a day/2 off work when we first got them just til they settled in and to housetrain but that was it. I've read and been told (but I'm sure the more experienced dog owners on here will know for sure) that if you spend too many full days with the pup at the start it'll be harder for the pup to adjust when you're then out all day. Guess it makes sense but I can't say from experience.

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My springer is the same as Rarms, in his kennel and run from 8 til about 5.30 and indoors the rest. He is walked twice a day and generally made a fuss of.


He is always happy, and when you open the back door in the mornings he goes out in to his kennel on his own with a wagging tail.

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go for it mate I work 55 hrs a week the other half 40 hrs a week got a lovely e.s.s. like said as long as you walk it and feed it you will be fine. Just remember they have a lot of energy to burn so a good walk is essential but do it right you can hours of fun and he will be by your side when shooting which is a great feeling. :good:

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What will you do for the first few weeks/months when it needs feeding 3 times a day?


Give it twice as much food in the morning. There's some days when no one can feed my pup at her 12:00ish feed, so I put a double portion out in the morning & she's still usually got some left when I get home at tea time.

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I agree with you on that one Russell,


When Merlin was younger he would only eat what he wanted, not because it was in his bowl. If you put down enough food for two meals there would nearly always be some left.


He is completely different now and would eat the whole bag in one sitting if he could.


Go for it LL it will be the best decision you ever make.

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