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Home made pigeon decoys - with sewing!


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Here are a few I made some time ago ....


One is made up you can see with the cord pulled out - on the right


One is flat pack with top side showing with the cord top knot by the neck - middle


One is underside with the cord showing and also the little push button cord lock like you have on a coat. This pulls the flat head cut out upright and locks it all up. - left


the decoys are just sprayed with car paint.


The spikes are bike spokes with tape at the right height.


When packed up the spikes sit in one of the decoys like a little pocket


very cheap, very light and flat.



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I read the #1 post but I dont really understand the line of the words. >>


One is made up you can see with the cord pulled out - on the right


One is flat pack with top side showing with the cord top knot by the neck - middle


One is underside with the cord showing and also the little push button cord lock like you have on a coat. This pulls the flat head cut out upright and locks it all up. - left


Cord ?? what does the cord do and what does this mean >>the little push button cord lock like you have on a coat. This pulls the flat head cut out upright and locks it all up. - left


I am interested in what you have done and I'm Sorry but I'm probably being very thick. please explain in a bit more depth.

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Here are a few I made some time ago ....


One is made up you can see with the cord pulled out - on the right


One is flat pack with top side showing with the cord top knot by the neck - middle


One is underside with the cord showing and also the little push button cord lock like you have on a coat. This pulls the flat head cut out upright and locks it all up. - left


the decoys are just sprayed with car paint.


The spikes are bike spokes with tape at the right height.


When packed up the spikes sit in one of the decoys like a little pocket


very cheap, very light and flat.


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Great, honestly.

I am over the moon .

Told you they were not hard to make...LOL

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I read the #1 post but I dont really understand the line of the words. >>


One is made up you can see with the cord pulled out - on the right


One is flat pack with top side showing with the cord top knot by the neck - middle


One is underside with the cord showing and also the little push button cord lock like you have on a coat. This pulls the flat head cut out upright and locks it all up. - left


Cord ?? what does the cord do and what does this mean >>the little push button cord lock like you have on a coat. This pulls the flat head cut out upright and locks it all up. - left


I am interested in what you have done and I'm Sorry but I'm probably being very thick. please explain in a bit more depth.



The solid for sale sign with the head shape in the middle is only held in place by a cord which goes through the body. The cord is long enough to let it lay totally flat but if you pull the cord the head part turns 90 degrees upright and the coat cord lock holds it in place.


Does this help?

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Hmmm, You have me thinking now ! Good idea. I like it.
I can see how it works on a simple idea, Hmmmm, right I am going to improve on these.
I just love making decoys, when they work as they do its great pride knowing you sort of made it all happen without any or little commercial input on decoys.

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Made a load year a ago, used white tyvek painters suit. Acrylic paint sticks very well. Uses sign board also and contact adesive grey fabric for the body. Bike spokes worked well for the sticks.


I have about 50 on the pigeon hole. Was going to make crow and goose but never got around to it.

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It has taken a bit of time for me to get my head around this simple and ingenious decoy. I'm not generally thick but this just didn't make any sense to me but now seeing the second lot of decoys the penny suddenly dropped. A suitable material to make these out of would be a material that goes on roofs between the tile batten and the tiles. I don’t mean roofing felt but it is like a thin sort of stuff like nylon sheet stuff. ( I’ve sent a mail to the bloke that gave me some asking him what it is called). When they use this there is a ton of it chucked away in the skip as off cuts. Where do the coat lock button thingy’s come from?

These sort of rudimentary decoys go back to the Archie coats era of using insoles from wellie boots and bottles rolled in ash but if they pull birds then that’s all that matters. From those times I can remember cardboard shells with a sort of photo of a bird printed on them and then onto some decoys that a mate had in the 80’s made out of a very thin ABS plastic by Shooting developments of Fife. A stacked handful of these weighed about an ounce and they looked cheap rubbish. They were so thin that they were like the plastic of a wrapper off of an Easter egg, but when deployed in a pattern they pulled pigeon from hell of a distance far better than my decoys that looked the real thing. I don’t know if it was the light grey colour or the sort of humped shoulder but they did work well. I also remember a post on here some years back when the poster maintained that it was imperative to cut the eyelids off of the birds so the incoming birds weren’t put off by the dead birds having their eyes shut. I don’t know what he would make of these beasts.

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It has taken a bit of time for me to get my head around this simple and ingenious decoy. I'm not generally thick but this just didn't make any sense to me but now seeing the second lot of decoys the penny suddenly dropped. A suitable material to make these out of would be a material that goes on roofs between the tile batten and the tiles. I don’t mean roofing felt but it is like a thin sort of stuff like nylon sheet stuff. ( I’ve sent a mail to the bloke that gave me some asking him what it is called). When they use this there is a ton of it chucked away in the skip as off cuts. Where do the coat lock button thingy’s come from? OLD CLOTHES FROM THE FAMILY - YOU COULD USE A SLIDING KNOT

These sort of rudimentary decoys go back to the Archie coats era of using insoles from wellie boots and bottles rolled in ash but if they pull birds then that’s all that matters. From those times I can remember cardboard shells with a sort of photo of a bird printed on them and then onto some decoys that a mate had in the 80’s made out of a very thin ABS plastic by Shooting developments of Fife. A stacked handful of these weighed about an ounce and they looked cheap rubbish. They were so thin that they were like the plastic of a wrapper off of an Easter egg, but when deployed in a pattern they pulled pigeon from hell of a distance far better than my decoys that looked the real thing. I don’t know if it was the light grey colour or the sort of humped shoulder but they did work well. I also remember a post on here some years back when the poster maintained that it was imperative to cut the eyelids off of the birds so the incoming birds weren’t put off by the dead birds having their eyes shut. I don’t know what he would make of these beasts.


Mine have no eyes and work fine

yes it is rot proof roofing membrane out of a skip :good:

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