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Compact crows


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Posted before on how to make these crow socks (so if your interested do a search :good: ) thought I would make a few more this afternoon to add to my exsisting ones.Had some cracking days using these and they add some good movement to the decoy pattern :good:



20x crow sock decoys

20x ground spikes




All packed away :good: iv'e put a box of carts there so you can compare size, 20x deeks 20x ground spikes and bag weigh roughly the same as a box of 25 carts.


So all ready for when the corvid shooting warms up :good: BB


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They the business..... wish I had time to make some.

Trust me you need to find time to make some mate :yes: they put the shop bought FB decoys to shame when it comes to grabbing the attention of passing corvids especially jackdaws :yes: easy to make ,easy to set out, not bulky,and very light :good:


Keep your eye out for some Estate agents for sale signs :yes::lol: BB

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Trust me you need to find time to make some mate :yes: they put the shop bought FB decoys to shame when it comes to grabbing the attention of passing corvids especially jackdaws :yes: easy to make ,easy to set out, not bulky,and very light :good:


Keep your eye out for some Estate agents for sale signs :yes::lol: BB

Next door is up for sale and the board has come down in the wind..:) :)
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make the same as the link, but use correx instead of ply :good: so if you choose to use correx you wont need to put the raw plug for the ground spike,just make sure you cut the correx so you can fit the spike (ie so the channels run top to bottom) :good: BB

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I've shot with BB over his crow socks, and they are top notch at pulling in the corvids. We dida back to back and started with FB's. After a while and not much interest, we took them in and put out the socks........instant success :good: Well worth the effort :yes:

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make the same as the link, but use correx instead of ply :good: so if you choose to use correx you wont need to put the raw plug for the ground spike,just make sure you cut the correx so you can fit the spike (ie so the channels run top to bottom) :good: BB

Thanks :good::good:

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Brilliant, I'll be giving this a try, what do you use for the ground spikes, would bicycle spokes work?

When I made Correx decoys, I used coat hanger wire for the ground spikes. Failing that, you could use fencing wire. Farmers use a single strand type wire that is usually attached near the top of the fence post. It's very strong. but can be cut quite easily.

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Brilliant, I'll be giving this a try, what do you use for the ground spikes, would bicycle spokes work?

Yes they would work mate,but I use wire coat hangers cut down,there pretty strong and a decent length,i also wrap some electrical tape around a couple of inches down (see pic) to keep the decoy in the correct position and prevent it slipping down :good: if you get any dramas PM me and I will explain in more detail if needed :good: BB

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Yes they would work mate,but I use wire coat hangers cut down,there pretty strong and a decent length,i also wrap some electrical tape around a couple of inches down (see pic) to keep the decoy in the correct position and prevent it slipping down :good: if you get any dramas PM me and I will explain in more detail if needed :good: BB


Spot on cheers BB, I was going to ask about what you use to stop the decoy sliding down to the ground but you've covered that too. thanks :good:

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