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.17hmr barrel life


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Hi Chaps im seriously considering buying a .17hmr, the only thing holding me back is my mate who is an ex armed response copper and gunsmith who informs me the barrel life on a .17hmr is very limited like a full bore rifle!


Plus the ammo is expensive!


What would your views be on this little dilema of mine?




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.17rem sends a bullet at around 4000fps and is a centrefire round


.17hmr sends a lighter bullet at 2550fps and is a rimfire round


As for the barrel life of any rimfire...... ask your grandkids <_<





They're a fantastic round i traded my .22wmr in for it and couldnt be happier used to be trying to get close to the bunny's now prefer them to be at 100yards+ and just pick them off. You wont be sorry.



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I shoot .22lr at the moment and are happy with the knock down power but the tradjectory is a bit loopy over longer ranges, ive heard the hmr is a great round for the long range bunnies which i mainly shoot.


What about flo aproving it for land? is it pretty much the same for .22lr which my land is already proved for?

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I think the opinion on HMR is very variable between forces regarding land. Some see it as a high velocity round that is more dangerous than .22lr, others think that because the bullet breaks up so easily on impact it's very safe. My local plod seems to think it's a very safe round for use wherever a .22lr is ok, and maybe even in places the .22 may not be good due to ricochet risk. It's also cleared for fox here, which varies between forces. I've skipped the .22 on my application, and gone in for HMR as a first gun. The only down sides I can see with the round is the cost of ammo, and the fact you can't silence it like a sub .22lr.

I've never heard anything bad about the barrel life. 2500fps is slow in comparison to most fullbore stuff, so I think he's getting mixed up with .17rem on that part

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Armed response officer HA! :good::)

Just proves my point that they know ****** all about guns. :blink:




thats mean they only get to shoot 32 rounds a year at an annual assesment :)


fello i has speeking to was a bit confused when i told him i could go through 500+ a day at the range

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