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All Change at Astley Gun Club


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A very Happy New Year to all Members and Supporters of the club.

We have a lot planned for 2016.

The transformation of the club commenced in June 2015, we've come a long way, but still have a good way to go to achieve our aims.

Coming soon, another Rabbit trap, Midi and Mini Traps; extra stands to create a 60 bird shoot.

Safe & Straight Shooting to all.

John Webster & Mark Hughes supported by the rest of the Team at Rixton & Astley Shooting Club.

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A NEW Laporte Battue trap arrived today. We will try to have it ready for this Sundays shoot, but no promises. Martin is very busy. Both quad bikes have had new batteries.

Phil the spark and I spent a couple of hours today at the shooting ground. We surveyed the possible locations for three new stands. More work for us, more fun for members.

We also planted some willow which when established will provide some screening and assist in drying out the land. Its a long term project but we should start to see the benefit in a year or so. Gunner Gordon is going on Thursday to continue the planting.

Weather forecast for Sundays shoot is OK.





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Weather forecast for Sundays shoot is decent.

Sadly the new Laporte Battue trap won't make it to the ground for this shoot, but it will make its debut at the shoot on 24th. January.

Thanks to Gunner Gordon who planted some more willow on Thursday.

Membership is due in March £35.

We are introducing a new membership category Full Member.

Full membership includes R & A S C membership + B A S C membership + Dongle + Club Badge. £115. Renewal will be £100.

New memberships taken out between now and March will benefit from two free months. Terms & Conditions apply.




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We were pleased to welcome several members of Mersey Gun Club to todays shoot.

High Gun was T. Kidd with 39 x 50.

The weather was kind and the Pea & Ham soup scrumptious.

Subject to the weather we will have a working party next Sunday to prepare for our move to a 60 bird shoot soon.



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  On 10/01/2016 at 21:31, webber said:
webber, on 10 Jan 2016 - 9:31 PM, said:

We were pleased to welcome several members of Mersey Gun Club to todays shoot.

High Gun was T. Kidd with 39 x 50.

The weather was kind and the Pea & Ham soup scrumptious.

Subject to the weather we will have a working party next Sunday to prepare for our move to a 60 bird shoot soon.



good challenging setup I enjoyed it don,t feel so bad posting a 35 now thought I shot rubbish but the targets reflect the scores

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  • 2 weeks later...

No rain forecast for the duration of this Sundays shoot.

The new Laporte Battue trap will be making its debut on stand 1.

We've also acquired a Promatic 8 stack Ranger trap, it will be going through the workshop for a full strip and refurbishment prior to making its way to the ground in a few weeks.





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High gun for yesterdays shoot was P. Adamson with 42 x 50.
The new Laporte Battue trap caught many out.
It was pleasing to see a number of the Mersey Gun Club members and LFS members returning. Memership is already growing in advance of the March renewal date.
I noticed that the newly introduced welly wash was being well used, maybe we need another.



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Ive noticed over a period of time that your days started out with 30 bird sessions then plans for 60 bird days. I would guess that at some point you might have 100 bird days. If and when that time comes do you think you would do some cpsa registered shoots? There is very little in the way of registered esp in Lancashire. Its catton hall, or old glossop for me atm which are hefty drives away.

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  On 31/01/2016 at 22:55, ghosthunter said:

Ive noticed over a period of time that your days started out with 30 bird sessions then plans for 60 bird days. I would guess that at some point you might have 100 bird days. If and when that time comes do you think you would do some cpsa registered shoots? There is very little in the way of registered esp in Lancashire. Its catton hall, or old glossop for me atm which are hefty drives away.

The 60 bird shoot is almost on the horizon.

The plan is to move to 60 bird shoot over 7 stands moving to 8 stands by the end of 2016.

The ultimate aim is for a 100 bird shoot over 12 stands.

We shall be making use of CPSA guidelines with regards to ground facilities etc. working towards a position of being able to host registered competitions; however having been involved with registered competitions at another North West shooting ground we shall save the decision for another day made by the full team of those who are involved in putting the shoot on.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly the newly refurbished 8 stack Promatic trap won't make it to the Sundays shoot. We've simply been too busy to make the trap bogie. New on the scene will be our 8 wheeled Argocat. It will be very handy for getting the traps out and keeping them loaded. The Argo was bought as a wreck when Martin was 13; he and I spent almost two years completely renovating it. Martin learned a lot from the project and we used it to cross the Kent estuary when we had a holiday home at Arnside. The Argo has been revamped over the last 6 months or so. Its had new chains, new carburetor and much needed hydraulic brakes to improve the steering.

Grandson Jacob has been promised first ride, he can't wait for the shoot tomorrow.

The weather doesn't look brilliant, but we'll have a good shoot whatever the weather.

Please remember to bring your wellies and SGC, and don't forget that membership is due in March.

Safe and straight shooting to all.


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High gun on Sundays shoot was D. Maskrey with 39 x 50




Grandson Jacob got to ride in the Argocat and wanted to take control.

He slipped behind the controls whilst his Uncle Martin looked after the ignition key.


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Work party today, the first of 2016.

More willow to plant and modifications to the trap receiver boxes.

Peg out next Sundays shoot, commence work in woods for new stand position.

Prepare site for new to us Portacabin which will house both the Cafe and Shoot Control Office.


Plenty to do, few pairs of hands to do it!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Work party this Sunday; cleaning and fitting out the new to us 40 foot Portacabin which will replace the old cafe and shoot control office.

We've had another two loads of road planings delivered to finish off the car park and other areas.


We still need to obtain wood chip in decent quantities to improve the paths.


Please let me know if you can assist with the woodchip.


Anyone at a loose end on Sunday is welcome to give us a hand.



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Weather forecast for Sundays shoot is OK with no rain for a few days and overcast.


The new to us Portacabin will be in use for the first time, as will the refurbished Promatic 8 stack trap that we acquired a short while ago, but have been unable to get down to the ground due to transport issues.


The promised move to a 60 bird shoot is just around the corner.

The new stands are on site but need to be positioned and some clays thrown to prove the shooting and safety.


Membership fees are now due.

None members are welcome.

Please remember to bring wellies, the usual PPE and your Shotgun Certificate.



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Weather forecast for our Bank Holiday Monday shoot doesn't look too bad.


Colin and I will be at the shoot on Sunday pegging out the trap positions and trying to complete a new stand position in the woods.

If we manage to complete the test throwing of some clays from the proposed trap positions we will offer a 60 bird option at the Monday shoot.


Any members at a loose end on Sunday are welcome to give us a hand.



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Mondays shoot will be our usual 50 bird shoot with an option to shoot 60 birds.

Colin and I have spent the day perfecting stand 7 to give us a 7 stand 60 bird shoot, so tomorrow will test our efforts.

Despite the lightning and hailstones we got the job done.

The ground was fine underfoot, but wellies would be a good idea.



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Weather forecast for this Sundays shoot is good.


It will be our last 50 bird shoot as we are moving to a 60 bird shoot over 7 stands.


This Sundays shoot will be 50 birds with an option to shoot 60 birds.


60 bird shoot price is £14 for members, £17 for non members.


Membership fees will be overdue on Sunday.


We still have one lesson slot available for Sundays session.





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  • 2 weeks later...

We had a very short notice work party this evening.

It's amazing what team works and a couple of hours can achieve.

Plenty of wood chip has been laid and the clay store sorted .

The new Laporte Midi trap has been tested, absolutely awesome.

The weather forecast for Sundays 60 bird shoot looks very good.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Weather forecast isn't good for this Sundays shoot, but the rain will certainly put our most recent efforts to improve the footpaths to the test. The niggles on the new stand are sorted and issues with the new trap have been rectified.



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