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Question for the reloading gurus

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well i got up at 4am whilst the wind was 1-3 mph and shot some factory ammo.first 2 shots bang on where i left it last time but then things wondered.i suspect my rifle groups .25 high and .50 left of zero with a cold clean bore as i had to re zero.i was not blown away by accuracy as it was no better than hmr ammo but this is factory ammo in a factory rifle the whole point is to get the best out of it re loading.here is a pic of how it went and would like your thoughts.i did check barrel is free floated.




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Thats dedication for you!

Thanks for sharing!i actually notice groups tighten a we bit from clean bore!

As said think its pretty good for factory!

Accuracy wasnt one of the problems i had with the reloads they were def better than the factory ones!

Il try and get out thsevenin. And post a few groups.

And run another couple over the chrony to see if factory are any closer to advertised speed!only a 22 inch barrell on mine vs 24 on test rifle which would probably have a small impact!


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Thought i had it srtd with the lil gun!

Loaded 20 and just tried them for groups!some spot on others massive velocity spread and group size!

Dont think im doing anything stupid been weighing and rewrighing each charge and triple cheeking everthing i do!

Goin home now to try out the h110.itll probably be nxt week before i get a chance to try them out!


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As noted above, the 17's are sensitive to minute variations. Neck tension in the hornet brass is one thing to check. Ambient Temperature is another (powder dependent). Weigh each charge for a while (some powders are more sensitive than others). H4198 and H110 are more forgiving powders for this variability than lil gun, and when you can add in some forgiveness on a 17, you should.




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Ive me own lee safety scale and a small set of digitals!

Also borrowed a set of rcbs beem scales(not sure of model)to rule out bad scales


I use a set of RCBS beam scales, and also a RCBS powder thrower, which is very accurate. But when I start to reload my .17 Hornet, I'm going to double check each load on a set of digital scales.

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guys i use gempro 250 they come with tweezers and register every kernel and have checked them against beam scales both lee and rcbs are top scales if you look at that line from the same angle each time.looking forward to some home load groups from you chaps.another 3 weeks till my redding dies land and i'll be on it

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Well, I had a disappointing session with my new .17 Hornet. First of all, it started raining, so in between showers, I tried it out. I had a problem with feeding the ammo' from the magazine. The bolt either went over the top of the case, or pushed it up at a very steep angle. I tried the .22 Hornet magazine, and it worked fine. Got in touch with Greenfields RFD in Salisbury, and he was very apologetic. He asked me to send it back and he will get a replacement sent out asap. I could have stripped the magazine myself to see if I could find anything untoward, but as its under warranty, I thought better.

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Well, I had a disappointing session with my new .17 Hornet. First of all, it started raining, so in between showers, I tried it out. I had a problem with feeding the ammo' from the magazine. The bolt either went over the top of the case, or pushed it up at a very steep angle. I tried the .22 Hornet magazine, and it worked fine. Got in touch with Greenfields RFD in Salisbury, and he was very apologetic. He asked me to send it back and he will get a replacement sent out asap. I could have stripped the magazine myself to see if I could find anything untoward, but as its under warranty, I thought better.

mine feeds great and i'm loving the lazy ejector that feels quality and saves searching acres for spent brass

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mine feeds great and i'm loving the lazy ejector that feels quality and saves searching acres for spent brass

This is the very first time that I have had a problem with a CZ rifle, and I've had many during these past 30+ years. I'm not sure what's going wrong with it ,but hopefully, it will be sorted soon.

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n120 after my research shows best accuracy potential whilst bieng stable with low sd but the speed seems down in the hh with 10.5 offering around 3300 but some guys have kept pushing to get better mv what speed are you getting in the ah ?

Speed is not really that critical as the round is really a sub 200 yard one, perhaps a shade further in ideal conditions. Not even chromed mine but I think I am running 20s at 3300-3500.


Would agree re Saubier, great bunch of people, but be careful, get to far into them and you will be building 14 Walkers, 19 Calhoun and a friend in Lancashire is just building an 18 Caliber on a small military case.



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