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as ive just recently got a escort magnum s/a ive been out over the last few days getting a few shots with it, everything was going great untill tonite, i bought 2 boxes of cheap cart. £2.50 just to blast at a few crows etc they where nike sport trap 7 and a halfs 28grm. the gun would sumtimes only fire the first shot then wouldnt fire seemed to be jaming then sometimes it would fire all 3 but mostly just fired 1 or 2 shots not all 3, plus the barrells where red hot and at one stage there was flames coming out of the barrell :good: anyway went home and tried a few eley hb pigeon threw it and it worked no probs. can i put this down to the cheap cart. or is there sumthing up with the gun the gun is only a month old

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I owned an Escort S/A. Its a good gun, but as most shooters opt for them as a starter gun it does suggest they are cheap and with that comes compramise. You cant put cheap cartridges in it, it will not cycle. I used lyndvale HV 28g and it worked fine, i changed to D&J and it jammed. There a great gun but not good for anyone who wants perfection. They need cleaning after every 50 shoots and i mean a full strip and then there fine, always check the seals. A friend bought a 20g version and that just would not work. There cheap but that does not mean that they can get away with not working!. I know people who use 36g loads and never have a problem. Cheap Cartridges + Cheap S/A = Trouble.

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Some semi autos don't like short cases. I'm not certain, but 2 3/4" carts can be 67.5 or 70mm long, and the short ones jam sometimes. Someone else who knows more may be able to add to this. It's not the 3.5" magnum model is it?


no its the 3" magnum in black, as i said it was working fine untill tonite, before tonite i was fireing number 6 carts in 32grms and it worked dead on so thats what makes me think the 28grm are no good for it

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I bought LG's 3 1/2" escort - and as he said, it does the same as yours with 28gm's. Just shoot 30gms or above. I've shot a fair amount through it, as had LG probably...still does the same with 28's. It's no great shakes as I mainly use it for rough shooting anyway - so use 30's...and when claying it doesn't matter if it jams occasionally on 28's...or if you don't like it just stick 30's in! :good:

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My Escort has had a huge variety of cartridges through it, from Express Pro-Comp to D&J's, and it has never jammed. I have put 300 shots through in one day, barrel and gas ports were as dirty as a whore's knickers, but it kept going. Put some 24g Eley Firsts through it today, and it ate them for breakfast. From what I have heard, the 3.5" chambered version is fussier than the 3" variety, maybe it needs a bit more poke to cycle the action.




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