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Dee wildfowlers

Sean Richo

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Due to go down tomorrow to put my name on waiting list to join in two minds tho as the following is expected before you can apply 3 marsh walks, 3 classroom sessions, 1 watching tide come in and out. After this 10 sessions accompanied with other members and 1 must be with a committee member and you must do at least 1 season before you can apply for full membership. I work full time and have kids am thinking it will stretch me a bit. Have been told by loads of local lads don't bother as it's just a way of getting your money without letting you shoot it looks a good club but it does seem a bit over the top what are people's thoughts? Any advice welcome please? Also am worried as I can only shoot Saturday's that I will struggle to get out with other members and will never get my ten days in? Your thoughts please

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It will be well worth it in the long run. The wildfowling is very good. As for the education the class room sessions are pretty important as i think they rent part if not all their shooting off theRSPB and the club risks losing their shooting if someone starts shooting protected birds and the tides on the Dee are very big and dangerous so walking the marsh to find the safe ways on and off the marsh and watching the speed of the tides are pretty important for your own safety.


PS you should move this into the wildfowling section.

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Sean Richo,


It will be me you will be coming to see tomorrow. I don't know who you have been talking to but you haven't got all the facts. Tomorrow night we will be taking people onto the Waiting List to replace the 15 people who moved from the List into probationary membership at an induction meeting on Monday night. You don't have to do anything in order to go on the waiting list but when you become a probationary member, usually within a year, we have a scheme to mentor new members and help them to move up the learning curve of wildfowling knowledge. The Dee is a potentially dangerous estuary and we have a number of landowners such as RSPB and MOD who impose conditions and regulations that we must comply with in order to enjoy the shooting. Club members enjoy some of the best wildfowling in the country, last season they shot some 500 geese and several thousand ducks but its up to you whether or not you want to join us.



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As John says it's a process you have to go through for your own good, aswell as the club's. A lot of time and effort has gone into the process. I'm a member and a mentor,have a full time job and a small one. Its a great club and great wildfowling. Alot of the members on the mentor list also shoot on weekends,so no problem getting out. You can shoot from sunrise to sunset and you can shoot the moon on the Welsh side. Don't forget that part of the money you pay to be a member is for basc membership. So subtract that from your fees and divide by say 10 trips in a year and you have some very fine and cheap shooting.


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Out of curiosity, if you've been in Wildfowling clubs for years are the number of classroom sessions and accompanied outings negotiable? I'm not planning on joining the dee but might be looking into one or two new clubs in the near future,(as mentioned above) it would take a serious amount of time just to become a full member. Knowing the tides would be very important though.


Would love to try the Dee even on a permit weekend one day.

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We are a democratic club and everyone gets treated the same, so if you want to join us you have to go through probationary membership whether you're new to shooting or have been a wildfowler for 40 years. We don't do permits because of landowner conditions and the danger posed by tides and as we're democratic we don't negotiate, our standards are what they are.



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We are a democratic club and everyone gets treated the same, so if you want to join us you have to go through probationary membership whether you're new to shooting or have been a wildfowler for 40 years. We don't do permits because of landowner conditions and the danger posed by tides and as we're democratic we don't negotiate, our standards are what they are.




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Due to go down tomorrow to put my name on waiting list to join in two minds tho as the following is expected before you can apply 3 marsh walks, 3 classroom sessions, 1 watching tide come in and out. After this 10 sessions accompanied with other members and 1 must be with a committee member and you must do at least 1 season before you can apply for full membership. I work full time and have kids am thinking it will stretch me a bit. Have been told by loads of local lads don't bother as it's just a way of getting your money without letting you shoot it looks a good club but it does seem a bit over the top what are people's thoughts? Any advice welcome please? Also am worried as I can only shoot Saturday's that I will struggle to get out with other members and will never get my ten days in? Your thoughts please


you have been told utter rubbish by those locals. You join as a probationer and there is / was a list of members who will take you on a flight. you have to learn because 1.its a dangerous place for the unwary / inexperienced 2, there is likely a load of birders watching you or an RSPB warden when you do something hasty. There is some good guys in the club and a number of "other types" I am no longer a member but shot it for a number of years and speak from real experiance

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