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Hushpower help?


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Evening folks.


1 of my permissions is proving difficult to shoot, due to public access and a horse paddock next door. It never produces massive bags, but it's only 1/2 mile from my house, and is handy for quick sessions after work, or walking the dog with the gun.


As I don't want to upset the neighbours, I've started to look at moderated guns of the .410 variety, to be as quiet as possible. The 2 which stand out are the Baikal single barrel and the mossberg pump. But having never used a moderated gun before (or even heard one shot) I'm wondering how 'quiet' they actually are. The 'quieter than an air rifle' claims don't stick with me, so I'd like to hear from anybody who uses one.


I notice the Baikal comes in a full or 9' moderator version. I presume the full moderator is quieter, but are they noticeably different? As I never shoot the field adjacent to the paddocks, I guess I'm never closer than 250yards. Are you likely to hear much at that distance?


Incidentally, when I have used the 12 in the past, the horses don't seem to be the slightest bit bothered. It's only the owners that mind!


Many thanks in advance :good:

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My Pedretti 20g is pretty quiet, but remember you must use sub-sonic cartridges.


Why ? I had a pedretti for several years and put nothing but normal cartridges through it , they may be a bit louder but I think that is out weighed by the extended range and not needing to learn the extra lead required with subsonics

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Why ? I had a pedretti for several years and put nothing but normal cartridges through it , they may be a bit louder but I think that is out weighed by the extended range and not needing to learn the extra lead required with subsonics

The OP is looking for the quietest. Subsonics are quieter. end of.

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I have a couple of perms very close to houses and horses, my pedretti .410 single barrel hushpower is perfect,I use standard load 6's and can drop a pigeon at 25 yards, just one at a time but its very quiet and never spooks horses or passers by. never had a complaint yet , :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I have the mossberg pump in 410 and the baikal full moderated 410

The baikal is a lot quieter than the pump

If you are shooting in the middle of a field you won't get any sound bouncing back but if in a forest it will be louder not like an unmoderated 410.

It's hard to say how loud they are but they are really quiet for a shotgun, I wear no ear protection.

I purchased mine from a gun shop that I was able to test before I purchased.

Hope this helps

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Many thanks to you all for your comments. After doing some more research last night, I think I'm going to go for the Baikal.


Magman - I would take you up on the offer, but I think I've decided I want one regardless now :lol:


Thanks again.


Mines for sale :whistling:

But its not the baikal :no:

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