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Warrenty repair

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How long is a satisfactory wait for a Warrenty repair??

I had a new ruger 10/22 shooting approx 2ft low at 50mtrs with the scope fully adjusted and the same with iron sights, been waiting a month and still nothing have called the gun shop twice now only to be told as soon as we hear anything we shall let you know. annoyed as I really wanna get out with it on a new permission I have obtained.


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A month, 9 months, 2 years!! none of this is acceptable. Retailers have a responsibility under the sale of goods act (1994) to correct the problem or offer a replacement failing either of these then a refund should be made.


Anyone who buys from a retailer be it a gun a TV or any other commodity has made a contract with said retailer not with the manufacturer. It is the retailer who should sort things out PDQ. Have a goggle and see what your rights are under legislation.


On an ethical note I would think that any manufacturer wanting to maintain a decent reputation would have a turn round service of not more than a few days.


Be interesting to see Mungler's view.

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Agreed, although a few days may be viewed as unreasonable to turn around these things. It is reasonable to allow the retailer to attempt to have the problem and the fix identified and an ETA put on repairs. If through no fault of the retailer, that process is either not happening fast enough or at all, the dealer then should offer a replacement or refund and take the matter up with the manufacturer as the retailer is also covered by warranty. As it's no skin off the retailers nose to wait for a replacement, a good retailer I would expect to replace the faulty rifle and chase the manufacturer for a replacement to his own stocks. The difficult bit which most retailers and manufacturers would argue is what period of time is reasonable for fault finding and rectification? The answer is blindingly obvious. As long as it takes to send the rifle back and a few days or say a week for the manufacturer to look at the issue and report back with either the offer of a fix or a replacement. The whole process should not take more than a few weeks, depending on he fault one would have thought. I'd certainly argue that 1) they should be able to confirm an ETA for return within a week of the rifle being returned, and return of the mended or replacement rifle within a few weeks. Anything beyond a month say I would argue is unreasonable especially if it is denying the shooter valuable shooting time out of a season for which the shooter may have paid for his or her land. The exception may be in relation to custom built guns which could require more specialist repair.

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