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Rabbiting, LL16 (Denbigh area, North Wales)

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I'm in the position to offer an evening out rabbiting with myself for one gun. This will be for sub-12 air rifle, and is a one-off (part of this is my land, part I do vermin control for a neighbouring farmer on). BASC or equivalent insurance is required, and this will need to be seen.


The 'lucky' person should be fit, as we will cover anything up to 2 or 3 miles; all on foot, on hilly terrain. NV setup or lamp will probably be required or highly advisable, the intention of going out about 8pm for a mooch around and to show the layout/boundaries, back in when we've had enough.


I will state again that this is a one-off (this does sometimes really need to be made ridiculously clear, and I hope I'm doing so). If the person is seen on the land at any other time in possession of a firearm of any sort, and is not in my company, the police will be called.

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I'd pull your arm off for this, but I think the 270 might be a bit big for bunnies!

What a generous offer though, as somebody who gets all my shooting either by invitation or by saving up for the odd outing I always like to see people offering outings to others in the same boat.

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I'd pull your arm off for this, but I think the 270 might be a bit big for bunnies!

What a generous offer though, as somebody who gets all my shooting either by invitation or by saving up for the odd outing I always like to see people offering outings to others in the same boat.


Hope whoever takes up the offer appreciates it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi a big Thanks to robbiep, I was fortunate to go out for a night on the rabbits on his permission. I had a thoroughly enjoyable night didn't see that much but the ones we did we managed to bag! Had a mini adventure driving over to his place and unfortunately I didn't follow his instructions and ended up following the Sat Nav which took me down narrow lanes, narrow enough that I had to fold the wind mirrors in on the car! Nearly bumped into a Roe deer, badger and some suicidal rabbits. The area was stunning. It's a long time since I had shot at night with the air rifle and the diets time I had set up the photon on the BSA superten which usually sits on my rimfire. Obviously allowing for the pellet drop compared to the Rimmy was a little different but a great night had.

Thanks again robbiep, what a gent!




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Rob, do we get roe here?

Bob said he saw some as Williams farm. But it was bob. So they may have been badgers!


Well, Stephen saw one on the way over. But he did admit to being a bit lost on the way, so I've no idea exactly where he was at the time (do they have roe deer in Chester zoo?) Though I think I might know the rough area he was in, and I'm going to ask someone who I know ...


Some people say that Roe aren't over our way. That the canals, the Dee and the Mersey are pretty good at stopping them.

I say that's a load of ****. After all, if red squirrels can make it across the bridges from Anglesey to the mainland, then there's nothing at all stopping deer from trotting across a road bridge at 2am !

It's more a case of territory gradually being expanded, and as populations grow the new, younger animals being forced to head out over new ground. Ten years later, that is established territory, and the new youngsters are pushing out again.

Only way to prove that we have got them would be with physical sightings or trail cams. Or a 243 bullet if you're out on the foxes !


Anyway : Glad you had a nice evening out too Stephen. Sadly the rabbits weren't putting on a welcoming party, but I think the dismal weather earlier on might have had something to do with that !

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After all the detailed instructions as to how I got to robbiep place I didn't take heed and followed my sat nav what a k%&b, some of the backcountry car door scratching lanes, would be great fun on a bike! The time I was heading over was perfect and the light just fading, definitely a roe as I Deer stalk as well. Quite allot of the fields had been cut and their gates open to the lane.

Thanks again Robert I will return the favour.




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