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Kemen chokes


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Thanks for all of the replies, I am going to order a teague tapered from my local gun shop. If they are too tight to undo I have heard if you soak the tips of the barrel in something like diesel it will help free them up, is this correct? Also I've searched for the Briley thin wall chokes online and they all seem to have cut outs for a key, did they make a new version of them or am I looking at the wrong one? Cheers everyone...


@Scully, I tried that one and ended up splitting the skin from my nail, lesson learned haha😃

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  • 5 months later...

Hi lads, sorry for bringing an old topic up... I finally got round to getting a key and managed to get my chokes out, now I'm a little confused as to what chokes they are, the only writing on them are what size they are and k.254.98(last bit of serial no)

They're very thin and light weight and are 70mm long, I can't upload any pics from my phone but if anyone is on the pcuk on facebook I have recently put some pics on there.

Another thing to mention is my choke gauge doesn't match up e.g. 1/4 choke is a loose bore on the gauge and 1/2 choke is imp



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The chokes are made to your guns bore dimension, the serial number matches what Brierly or Teague have on file. If you contact the maker you can quote the serial number and order whatever chokes you want. Forget a choke gauge they're useles.

Edited by figgy
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From the description they sound like Teagues .... I'd start there.

I have some assorted Brileys Series 2 thinwall chokes left from way back and they're all marked with Briley and other details, they have key notches. The agent for the Brileys used to be Chris Potter. Many Kemens came in fixed choke and got aftermarketed, though it was possible to order a new gun with m/c .

Custom Teagues used a wide flat topped thread and the Briley a narrower V type. (Sorry dont know the technical names.) I don't know if Teague made any off the shelf chokes to fit the V thread. Given the '98 year of manufacture there were a couple of other fitters of brand X aftermarket chokes about.

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Contact Teague first as above I think your gun started out fixed choke. Easy way to check is to take off your barrels and look for the choke marks on each barrel, stars or restrictions in mm ie bore 18.4 choke 17.2 would be full.

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The stars suggest it started life as a fixed choke and Kemens came with slightly wider bores at 18.7 which is probably why your genetic choke gauge don't work. FWIW there should be another figure stamped on the barrels ranging between 13xx and maybe 17xx and thats the barrels original weight in grammes.

Great handling guns with excellent trigger pulls.

Because many were ordered to customer specifications there can be many small differences between guns.

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I'm learning alot about these guns on here, much more than google has ever taught me hehe.

They do have a weight of 1541 and the trigger is very light on my gun which is something I really get on with.

I've made contact with Teague on their website and will hopefully hear back soon.

Once again thanks everyone

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