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Markers required this Sunday the 16th Aug at Blackpool

Ian E

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Hi, I think it has to be said that Markers mark the card but Referees know the rules, when running a championship shoot grounds should look for CPSA Refs, let's face it as a ground owner you are running a full time business why have unqualified staff......maybe the cost !!!!!

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Had just about enough markers \ ref's on the day all adults I may add, no 12 year old kids


And it was a really good shoot with 115 entry's


Ideally every ground should use full qualified ref's. One there just isn't enough of them around and two is the cost of payment, the extra cost just gets passed onto the shooter in the end.


Even the CPSA struggle to get the ref's for their major events sometimes so what hope does a small ground have.


imo the regional committees should put on free or heavily subsidised ref's courses in the major disciplines that way you could build up a good base of ref's


CPSA HQ gives a kick back on courses held in a region which would subsides the cost, the North region committee has plenty of money in the bank, there are only so many badges and trophy's you can buy with all those levy's


Maybe I will bring it up at the next meeting...

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The refs were all excellent and Andy's targets were brilliant as usual. I think that would be an excellent idea, I know the north region used to sponsor committee members on some courses as I was once sponsored on a safety officers course, so I think that would be a good idea to extend it to members. from Auntie.

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