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problem fox's


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I tried putting this up the other day, and after the best part of 3/4 of an hour 1 fingered typing hit the wrong button and lost the bloody lot, I'll be more careful this time.

Last year I had good success shooting fox's from a tower on a chicken farm, this year I'm really struggling.

I just found out why. unknown to me a well known local shooter who goes by the name of Rob, has been blasting away at everything he sees with his .243 from my tower.

Apparently just the other night he had three according to him, but no sign was found that night, or the next day going round with the dog (speaks volumes to me)

Now I've been doing a bit with bumpy off here recently, so a couple of weeks ago we went down to the tower to see what we could get, picked up 8 different sets of eyes! none would call, all would show in the hedge on the far side of the field, but none break cover. Yes they've all been educated by **** head.

We went again last week, saw 5 but none came. Bumpy had to go at 11.30 because he was on early in the morning

I decided to set up the nv on the rifle and see if I could entice one in with a dead chicken chucked out.

Funny how they just appear from nowhere, even when your watching isn't it.

This one turned up at 12.30, on the chicken. so I've made my mind up it's nv and bait only from now on. no calling and no lamp as that's a waste of time as they know what that's all about now :sad1:

Cheers Guys. sorry about the pic. Only had my brick of a phone(no flash) and lamp.



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