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holiday on the beans


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just took 7 days holiday to coincide with the bean cutting, 60 acres with beans laying everywhere, i only bothered to shoot twice for about 40 pigeons but looked every 2 days. most of the birds were on deep plough scattered all over, very hard to shoot over and i am to old to go clambering around on it. spent most of the week on new rape coming through which was a surprise for this early, got into the late teens most days, the plough and the rape was only a couple of fields away from the beans. farmer ploughed beans up on sunday my mate has gone to day and phoned me to say the bean field is grey and i am back to work. i must get round to retireing.

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i wish he was the farmer phoned too,my mate just phoned again to see if i could get tomorrow off we now have 60 acres ploughed 2 smaller fields ploughed and 30 acres stubble cut saturdayall within half a mile and pigeons on them all + 200 acres of new rape just poking through with pigeons all over it which is a new perm. we searched every day from thursday 3rd till saturday12th we saw pigeons and shot some in small qtys. i wonder if there is any truth in the old saying dont shoot beans untill they have had a rain on them like we had at the week end.

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Looked at a bean field being harvested yesterday which they finished by nightfall. Had a look this morning, no pigeons had found it, went back at 2.30 this afternoon and it had all been disced. i am not too bothered as have had good days on bean fields that have been disced after a good rain. Fingers crossed.

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Whenever I have shot birds that have been feeding on beans opened the crop and what they have eaten has germinated so my personal findings is that they prefer them that way in my area,it could depend on type of beans etc

I would say that pigeons will eat beans no matter what state they are in. Recently I have opened up pigeons crops to find rock hard beans that have more than likely come from freshly cut fields. I reckon that in a few weeks I will find some pigeons that have been eating soft or germinating beans.

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Your mate is winding you up.

my mate didnt shoot yester day we had a lot of rain but he watched the field that was conbined saturday and is still stubble for an hour and a half and birds were coming from 3 directions to it in the rain he estimated about 1500 so he decided to shoot it today he has just phoned me10.45am and not a bird on the field perhaps its a bit early but they were on it at 11am yesterday and still plenty of beans on thr ground. will keep PW up dated.

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Your mate is winding you up.

he finaly shot it yesterday they started coming 12.30 he struggled to decoy them they kept sitting on telegraph wires 80yds away eventualy brought the whirly and flappers in and they started coming in shot 27 then the heavens opened and rain stopped play. going again friday

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