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This week, surely?


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With a good forecast for Saturday and having 'killed' the last of the spring barley some time ago (should have started cutting it yesterday by my reckoning) am chomping at the bit for landowner to get it cut.

Have just been up there and heads are drooping dramatically ( as if I know what I'm talking about! :) ) and was hoping to see the combine fuelled up and ready to go after todays very hot weather but it's still parked up.

This morning there was a very heavy dew and slight ground frost in places, so they're running out of time. Will ring landowner in a.m. to see what he's planned.

Daren't shoot it 'til Saturday regardless, or mate will stop talking to me. :)


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They only just got the crops in at work, the last beans were cut early Sunday. I thought brilliant give it a few days and they'll be dropping in like no bodies business, well you know what thought went and did.


Unfortunately up and down the country farmers are having a bit of a bad time of it. the crops at work that were supposed to be for seed are now going as feed.


Only good news if that where they have been unable to get on the ground after cutting the peas that got dropped are now a few inches high and the pigeons are back on it!


I suggest anyones got old pea stubble go and have a look, you never know it might be worth it!


Oh i'm down south so I imagine up country is worse for getting the harvest in?!

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There are/were a couple of fields of uncut barley on my mate`s permission. Can see plenty more too around S.Yorks.


Hope you have a good day Scully. Thankyou.


But don`t call me Shirley. :no:Sorry. :)

As I came away this morning it was all very busy and as landowners daughter drove past in tractor with grain trailer I noticed her Dad sitting in cab also, so that can only mean one thing; he's getting the combine out. :yahoo:

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