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Underdog has been muffled!

I picked this old but tidy hushpower up at the fair and although a rough thing it is quite impressive.

It shoots low so has to be shot head up for me showing plenty of barrel, no ideal but we will see how we get on.


It is quiet, not for the shooter or so it seems but critters seem to not to be to disturbed by it, maybe it sounds like a distant gun!


With Hull Imp' game it is very quiet. With super sonic ammo there is a crack but not bad at all.







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I got fed up with it shooting low so disassembled it tonight.

The barrel was pointing well down in relationship to the breach! I set up a jack and wood blocks and straightened it. It is much nearer to flat now and the muff just went on and threaded up.

I should be able to see less barrel now when shooting!

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