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FAC application advice

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Hi guys! So, juts turning in my FAC soon, being a member a club where I can shoot rifles up to 9mm, also just started to getting into deerstalking as well. What kind of calibres should I ask for? Not sure about it. This is all new to me. Any sensible advice is appreciated. (Thinking .270 .303. .308 for start - first for stalking, second is for military rifle competition, third for target shooting) Thx! (Hope this is not a very stupid question) .

Edited by londonercsecse
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If you don't have any stalking permissions, then the rifles on your FAC will be conditioned for target/competition use only.


So even if you did then book a paid stalk, you'd have to use an estate rifle (unless you managed to get the variation done between booking the stalk and the stalk taking place), as your FAC will not allow you to use your rifles for hunting purposes. In addition to which, you wouldn't be able to purchase expanding/softpoint ammunition, as you'd be restricted to FMJ ammo on your FAC too.

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If you don't have any stalking permissions, then the rifles on your FAC will be conditioned for target/competition use only.


So even if you did then book a paid stalk, you'd have to use an estate rifle (unless you managed to get the variation done between booking the stalk and the stalk taking place), as your FAC will not allow you to use your rifles for hunting purposes. In addition to which, you wouldn't be able to purchase expanding/softpoint ammunition, as you'd be restricted to FMJ ammo on your FAC too.

. No permission, using estate rifle at the moment. If i do stalking with the same guy again and again, what kind of variation do I need? Don't understand it. So, without a permission is it not possible just to go to paid stalks using own gun? How do I hunt abroad then?
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. No permission, using estate rifle at the moment. If i do stalking with the same guy again and again, what kind of variation do I need? Don't understand it. So, without a permission is it not possible just to go to paid stalks using own gun? How do I hunt abroad then?


It is possible, just book a couple of stalks before you send your application. This will serve you as good reason for the deer caliber.

I've done exactly the same as i didn't had my own stalking ground at the time, and i've got what i want it. .

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I applied and got my first FAC 2 years ago. Rimfires they weren't so strict on and I breezed through with the 17HMR, however, being a newbie, I really had to convince them to let me have maximum a .243. Luckily I had the land and permission to shoot deer, so this was reason enough, but I still had to be mentored and get letter from mentor saying I was safe.


I have however since, completed a DSC1 course which I can't recommend highly enough with NGO. This should give you reason to be granted a deer stalking calibre........



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You will be able to apply with good reason being going on paid stalks but your local force may or may not accept that as good enough on its own as it seems to vary from region to region depending on policy. Evidence that your are booked up will be required and you may wish to think about providing some sort of evidence that it wont be a one-off too as that would go against your chances of success. I do have a few friends that successfully obtained their first CF rifles last year on the bases of paid stalking with no land of their own. Their good reason was to provide written evidence and receipts for booked up stalking in the UK and Africa (big game hunting) for which they were granted .308 and expanding. Mentoring conditions and an insistence that DSC1 was passed was asked for in that particular case although the mentoring was later dropped after demonstrating that DSC1 included a reasonably rigorous simulated stalking safety test. If shooting deer without experience, I'd recommend DSC1 anyway as you'll learn a shed load, although I fully concede that there's no shortcut to experience, especially shooting with experienced stalkers and learning from them. I was happy to do my DSC1 without being asked for or it being required of me, simply because I found it interesting and beneficial.


What seems to be gathering pace despite guidance to the contrary are mentoring conditions, because many forces want to be able to "demonstrate" that they've taken all reasonable steps to safeguard the public. You're advised to have good reason to back up whatever calibre you choose. If you are uncertain, that might suggest a lack of experience/understanding and therefore true need which wont go in your favour. Good reason enough would be to say "target and stalking" for which a good do-it-all for all UK deer species plus target might be a 6.5 x 55 or .308. Both can be loaded with a good variety of loads and with .308 in particular, ammo is widely available and both make excellent target calibres (there are better with higher BCs for target alone though). That would be explanation enough. It would help if at least you could identify which deer species you were intending to stalk, although strictly speaking, this isn't necessary, but some estates and paid stalks prefer to see larger than .243 used for larger deer species these days.

Edited by Savhmr
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Thank You for the comments. Lot to think about... I will do the DSC1. Will apply for 6.5mm as a general hunting caliber (roe and red deer), gonna use it for wild boar as well, abroad. Also gonna go for .303 for the military rifle competitions at my club. 308 shelved at the moment.

Edited by londonercsecse
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