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Weihrauch HW35


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One for all of you old air rifle experts.

I have an old HW35, relatively good condition, has been sprayed in black just to smarten it up a bit a while ago. Has a fault with I think the safety catch. Cocks but wont fire unless you unlock safety and pull barrel back as if cocking again and then it will release.


Anway I was thinking of getting rid of it and wondered what you thought it was worth?? :hmm:

Many Thanks in advance

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd pay £50 or £60 for something similar (Already bought some 'Projects' at £50!), Possibly the trigger is gunged up with old oil/grease and a strip, wash and proper lube could get it going again :good:


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John :)


Very nice , the HW35 export was the gun we all wanted when I was a young lad.

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The top one in the first pic is a Hofmann Premier, I paid £50 for it, I was given a full trigger unit from a 77 that a member on here saved when he scrapped the rifle, I fitted a new spring as the power was very low, It shoots superbly now!!

The very bottom Export with the stripped stock I paid £60 for, A previous owner had done a home cammo job on it (Awful!!) S9o I stripped the lot and had a go at a cold reblue! The parts came out fantastic but after three months had faded to grey, It hadn't even been handled :/

I reblued three actions, A Stutzen Airsporter, A Mk1 Airsporter and the 35, All three looked fab but all three faded horribly :unhappy: I'm of the opinion that home blueing isn't worthy the time it takes to read the instructions now :hmm:





John :)

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I reblued three actions, A Stutzen Airsporter, A Mk1 Airsporter and the 35, All three looked fab but all three faded horribly :unhappy: I'm of the opinion that home blueing isn't worthy the time it takes to read the instructions now :hmm:


I've always had a hankering for a stutzen rifle, I saw a Diana (can't remember the model) that was stunning and very elegant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi mate I think at some time it's lost its safety catch return spring the springs is very very small and resides in side of a recess at back of breach oppersit safety mechernisem I can send you photos of mine striped down I have a good one of the spring actually attached to safety

A replacement spring can be brought from Chambers gun smiths hope this helps you out if not strip the gun parts down and sell separate the trigger unit on its own go for £40 £90(new)so worth thinking about

Edited by Fat toad
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I did the same with a very rusty but partially restored HW35 and made more in parts than I could have selling the whole thing. You can sell it in individual lots in ebay without a problem.


BTW there was a recent thread about a BSA Buccaneer, they are quite rare so it may be better selling it whole.

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