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ready for this season????


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just saw a question posted by ferretboy111, ref if his dog will been ready for this season,

my lab is 7 months does anyone think he would be ok with the odd day during the season(he will be 11 months by then) he would be on small ponds & behinde the gun line, wouldnt take him on the marshes this season unless i think hes up to it..

Taking him to mersea this aft' to get him used water, God its gonna be cold!!!!!


Many thanks

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The big thing that will hold you back from this season...or atleast that should...is control. If you do not have control on him do not take him. You must be able to control him beside you and at a distance, and with distractions of other dogs, shooting, and birds.



Thanks NTTF, realise got a fair bit to do with him sure we'll get there, went for a walk this afternoon, we sacked the beach, and there was a clay shoot on, this was about 2 miles away, we walked towards it slowly not making a big thing of it, until we were about 500 metres away, he didnt bat an eye lid. so i was chuffed with that, getting there with the water also, nice and slow, :lol:


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I wouldn't do it, but its up to you.


Introducing them too early can ruin their steadiness and general obedience.

Once that goes, its very hard to get back and you can almost guarantee your dog is "ruined".

Thanks for your advise Guys will probably leave him for this season, he is a head strong little ****** now & again, but took him out tonight, was firm with him from the start, and he seemed more attentive, and positive so he should be top notch by 08' as long as i dont go to Afghan for 6 months (the mrs will ruin him)!!

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he'll still be a pup at 11 months but it depend really on how formal or informal your shoot is......


On one sydiciate I deal with the pest control on,... no dog under 18 months old is allowed..but this is an expensive an exclusive shoot, an dno one want a rangy pup picking up everyone elses game..and tearing about through excitement.


Only you know will know whether ot not your dog will perform, and as mentioned by someone else.....control is certainly the key.....................use you're discretion at the time!!


Personally my ESS 'may' get a couple of days picking up next season on a less informal shoot we're involved in, (he'll be 12 months in Oct) if training this summer continues to be as good as it has been....we'll see! :angry::lol:

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he'll still be a pup at 11 months but it depend really on how formal or informal your shoot is......


On one sydiciate I deal with the pest control on,... no dog under 18 months old is allowed..but this is an expensive an exclusive shoot, an dno one want a rangy pup picking up everyone elses game..and tearing about through excitement.


Only you know will know whether ot not your dog will perform, and as mentioned by someone else.....control is certainly the key.....................use you're discretion at the time!!


Personally my ESS 'may' get a couple of days picking up next season on a less informal shoot we're involved in, (he'll be 12 months in Oct) if training this summer continues to be as good as it has been....we'll see! :blush::sly:

Cheers for your advise Paul, wont be using him this season, dont think he'll be ready, want him to be spot on! he's still mad as a box of frogs, like you say still a pup!!



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