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ive been after this perticular fox now for about a week now.as soon as I put the nv and ir on he scarpers off,my own fault for missing him a week ago.this Has happened everytime since missing him....At the shoot show at the weekend I got talking to the guys on the nightmaster stand and they recommended I try their 940 ir pill,certainly not as powerful as the 850 but they said it was worth giving a go..not cheap but thought id try it anyway...well I sat out at my usual spot and waited.bang on time at 8.30 he appeared at the top of the field,he didn't charge off as usual but leasurely strolled down the field to about 80 yds were I gave him a shout and dropped him.did not take any notice of the ir at all.....JUST THOUGHT ID SHARE THAT AS I CANT BE THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS A FOX THAT DOESNT LIKE A POWERFUL IR

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ive been after this perticular fox now for about a week now.as soon as I put the nv and ir on he scarpers off,my own fault for missing him a week ago.this Has happened everytime since missing him....At the shoot show at the weekend I got talking to the guys on the nightmaster stand and they recommended I try their 940 ir pill,certainly not as powerful as the 850 but they said it was worth giving a go..not cheap but thought id try it anyway...well I sat out at my usual spot and waited.bang on time at 8.30 he appeared at the top of the field,he didn't charge off as usual but leasurely strolled down the field to about 80 yds were I gave him a shout and dropped him.did not take any notice of the ir at all.....JUST THOUGHT ID SHARE THAT AS I CANT BE THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS A FOX THAT DOESNT LIKE A POWERFUL IR





There are many systems available these days that allow a lot of illuminator adjustment.



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I've had them come into a call at around 100 yds only to bolt off as soon as any ir was put on them. That was a Firefly and a NM800. And not spooked from either wind or noise I must add. I just think it's individual fox's that decided there not having any of that. I've had them come straight into, powerful lamps and not bother, NM800,and Archer's new Dragonfly and not bother. I wouldn't recommend it but have you seen the glow from some of these lazer illuminators? The lazer type are very bright and the IR led's give off a strong glow from down range even over 150 yards off.

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There are many systems available these days that allow a lot of illuminator adjustment.



tried with the nm800 on its lowest setting with the 850 pill ,same result,scarpered.also tried the 850 pill and 940 pill side by side.with my hand infront of each.faint glow on my hand with 850 pill nothing with 940...normally have no problem using the 850 but on this occasion the 940 did the trick...luckily ive got a couple of nm800s so I can keep the 950 setup for those occasions when I come across another ir shy fox...again probably my fault for missing it in the first place...wasnt even a difficult shot..70yd.but miss it I did...lol
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I've had fox's and rabbits run from my ir, home build with the new as IR pill in a t20, presuming someone has been poaching. For a change I went out the other night with another t20 and a red filter and bagged a couple of bunnys :) Ps, my t20 is a 3 stage power one and they have run off from all settings before now :L

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